Nutria events



The members of the festival Ljubljana club are in the pre-sale period, which lasts until 03 for this event. in March 2025, entitled to 20%, and in regular sales-up to 10% discount on the purchase of tickets. You can join the club here.


Nino Rota: Concerto for String Orchestra 

Rachel Portman: Suite for flute and orchestra 


Benjamin Britten: A Simple Symphony 

Dmitri Shostakovich, Fr. Rudolf Barshai: Chamber Symphony in C minor

The chamber orchestra I Solisti Veneti was founded in Padua in 1959. Under the musical direction of the founder Claudio Scimone, he established himself mainly with the repertoire of Italian Baroque music, and in more than sixty years of his career he performed in around a hundred countries and received a plaque from the European Parliament as ambassadors of culture and music across borders. Since 2019, Giuliano Carella has been working as a musical, and since 2020 also as artistic director of the orchestra. He devotes himself to the operatic and symphonic repertoire, which he performs in famous concert halls such as the Paris Salle ple Animgel, the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London and the Concertgebou Entertainment in Amsterdam. Flutist Massimo Mercelli regularly collaborates with major musical names such as Philip Glass, krz Animksztof Penderecki, Gabriel Prokofiev, Valery Gergiev, Ennio Morricone and others. In 2023 he performed three concerts for flute and orchestra with the orchestra I Solisti Veneti, dedicated to him by Oscar winner Nicola Piovani. 

During his lifetime, Nino Rota established himself primarily as a leading Italian composer of film music. He designed his four-part Concerto for String Orchestra as a thematically linked cycle, in which, among other things, it goes to recognize an allusion to the famous aria on the g string by Johann Sebastian Bach. British composer Rachel Portman went down in history as the first female composer to win an Academy Award for film music, and her oeuvre comprises more than a hundred film scores. A Simple Symphony was created by Benjamin Britten from musical material he had written as a child. He dedicated the work to his childhood teacher Viola, and performed it baptismal with an amateur orchestra in 1934. The concerto will be concluded by a Chamber Symphony in c minor arranged by conductor Rudolf Barshai after Dmitri Shostakovich's popular Quartet No. 8. This will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the composer's death.

Člani kluba Festivala Ljubljana so v času predprodaje, ki za ta dogodek traja do 03. marca 2025, upravičeni do 20%, v redni prodaji pa do 10% popusta na nakup vstopnic. V klub se lahko včlanite tukaj.


Nino Rota: Koncert za godalni orkester 

Rachel Portman: Suita za flavto in orkester 


Benjamin Britten: Preprosta simfonija 

Dmitrij Šostakovič, prir. Rudolf Barshai: Komorna simfonija v c-molu

Komorni orkester I Solisti Veneti je bil ustanovljen leta 1959 v Padovi. Pod glasbenim vodstvom ustanovitelja Claudia Scimoneja se je uveljavil predvsem z repertoarjem italijanske baročne glasbe, v več kot šestdesetih letih kariere pa je nastopil v okoli sto državah ter s strani Evropskega parlamenta prejel plaketo za Ambasadorje kulture in glasbe prek meja. Giuliano Carella od leta 2019 deluje kot glasbeni, od leta 2020 pa tudi kot umetniški vodja orkestra. Posveča se opernemu in simfoničnemu repertoarju, ki ga izvaja v slovitih koncertnih dvoranah, kot so pariška Salle Pleyel, Dvorana Kraljice Elizabete v Londonu in Concertgebouw v Amsterdamu. Flavtist Massimo Mercelli redno sodeluje z veliki glasbenimi imeni, kot so Philip Glass, Krzysztof Penderecki, Gabriel Prokofjev, Valerij Gergijev, Ennio Morricone in drugi. Leta 2023 je z orkestrom I Solisti Veneti krstno izvedel tri koncerte za flavto in orkester, ki mu jih je posvetil oskarjevec Nicola Piovani. 

Nino Rota se je za čas življenja uveljavil predvsem kot vodilni italijanski skladatelj filmske glasbe. Svoj štiristavčni Koncert za godalni orkester je oblikoval kot tematsko povezani cikel, v katerem gre med drugim prepoznati aludijo na slovito Arijo na struni g Johanna Sebastiana Bacha. Britanska skladateljica Rachel Portman se je v zgodovino zapisala kot prva ženska skladateljica, ki je osvojila nagrado oskar za filmsko glasbo, njen opus pa obsega več kot stotino filmskih partitur. Preprosto simfonijo je Benjamin Britten ustvaril iz glasbenega gradiva, ki ga je napisal kot otrok. Delo je posvetil svoji učiteljici viole iz otroštva, krstno pa ga je izvedel z ljubiteljskim orkestrom leta 1934. Koncert bo sklenila Komorna simfonija v c-molu, ki jo je dirigent Rudolf Barshai priredil po priljubljenem Kvartetu št. 8 Dmitrija Šostakoviča. Ta bo obenem obeležila petdesetletnico skladateljeve smrti. 

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Trg francoske revolucije 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
+386 (0)1/241 60 00
Location: Slovenska filharmonija