Nutria events

Humanities and philosophy-Marko Ogris Humanistika in filozofija – Marko Ogris

culture lecture

What is the modern relationship between philosophy and the humanities, if the latter is understood as a collective term for various sciences that study the humanity of man, his art, social institutions, cultural conditioning, religiosity, etc.?

In the spirit of Renaissance humanism, we can thus first ask ourselves – what is our present humanistic ideal of universal humanity and thus of human dignity?

How to think of our sociality in the context of the humanistic definition of man as a being of speech (L ogos ), to whom a deeper conceptual understanding of the world is revealed only through interpersonal verbal linguistic communication?

How today the old Delphic saying " Know thyself!"- with what we know about the evolution of life, but at the same time already, will we soon coexist with “living machines”?

Image: philosophy sits crowned in the middle among the seven liberal arts. Illustration from Herrad von Landsberg: Hortus Deliciarum (1180)

Kakšno je sodobno razmerje med filozofijo in humanistiko, če slednjo razumemo kot zbirni izraz za različne vednosti, ki preučujejo človeškost človeka, njegovo umetnost, družbene institucije, kulturno pogojenost, religioznost itd.?

V duhu renesančnega humanizma se tako najprej lahko vprašamo – kakšen je naš sedanji humanistični ideal univerzalne človeškosti in s tem človeškega dostojanstva?

Kako misliti našo družbenost v kontekstu humanistične opredelitve človeka kot bitja govora (l ogos ), ki se mu globlje pojmovno razumevanje sveta razkriva le skozi medosebno besedno jezikovno komunikacijo?

Kako nas danes k iskanju človeškega smisla nagovarja stari delfski izrek “Spoznaj samega sebe!” – ob tem, kar vemo o evoluciji življenja, obenem pa že ali bomo kmalu sobivali z “živimi stroji”?

Slika: Filozofija sedi okronana v sredi med sedmimi svobodnimi umetnostmi. Ilustracija iz Herrad von Landsberg: Hortus Deliciarum (1180)

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Šiška – 1. nadstropje, Ljubljana