What is the heritage of the city of Ljubljana, how does it connect us and how will it find its way to the next generations?
Those of you who are students of the first year of the Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology, faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Department for culture of the industry from the Faculty of arts of the University of Vilnius Magnus in Lithuania for the us, they will transport you through the selected heritage of the City.
The event is co-organised within the heritage year at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
Kaj je dediščina mesta Ljubljana, kako nas povezuje in na kakšen način bo našla pot do naslednjih rodov?
Študentke in študenti prvega letnika Oddelka za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani ter Oddelka za kulturne industrije Fakultete za umetnost Univerze Vytautas Magnus iz Litve nas bodo popeljali po izbrani dediščini Ljubljane.
Dogodek je soorganiziran v okviru Leta dediščine na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani.