Nutria events

Heretic Heretik


Heretic, 2024, USA

Directed By: Scott Beck, Br-Amakan-Amakoods

Language: English

Starring: Hugh Grant, Topher Grace, Sophie Thatcher, Chloe East

Thriller, horror, 01h50min

Two young women, ardent followers of a religious cult, are caught up in an eerie game of cat and mouse in the House of a mysterious man.

Trailer :

Two young Mormon missionaries are forced to prove their faith when they knock on the wrong door and are met by a diabolical Mr. Reed (Hugh Grant), trapping them in his deadly game of cat and mouse – a dark psychological game full of rich dialogue and intellectual debate. Genre-wise, the Film intertwines horror and psychological thriller as Reed pulls the young faithful into the darkest corners of his mind and confronts them with a difficult choice between faith and doubt. Scriptwriters and directors Scott Beck and BR Fakman Faktoods (A Quiet Place), with the film, delve into a topic that many people know, but rarely openly discuss – religion. Faith can guide and support us, but also capture and cloud us when it is used with malicious intent. Hugh Grant, playing the charming and at the same time diabolical Mr. Reed, finds himself in one of his most memorable roles.

Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.

Heretic, 2024, ZDA

Režija: Scott Beck, Bryan Woods

Jezik: angleščina

Igrajo: Hugh Grant, Topher Grace, Sophie Thatcher, Chloe East

Triler, Grozljivka, 01h50min

Dve mladi ženski, goreči privrženici religioznega kulta, sta ujeti v srhljivo igro mačke in miši v hiši skrivnostnega moškega.

Napovednik :

Dve mladi mormonski misionarki sta prisiljena dokazati svojo vero, ko potrkata na napačna vrata in ju sprejme diabolični gospod Reed (Hugh Grant) ter ju ujame v svojo smrtonosno igro mačke in miši – temačna psihološka igra, polna bogatih dialogov in intelektualnih debat. Film žanrsko prepleta grozljivko in psihološki triler, saj Reed mladi vernici potegne v najtemnejše kotičke svojega uma in ju sooči s težko izbiro med vero in dvomom. Scenarista in režiserja Scotta Becka in Bryana Woodsa (Tiho mesto), se s filmom poglobita v temo, ki jo mnogi poznajo, a le redko odkrito razpravljajo o njej – religija. Vera nas lahko vodi in podpira, a tudi ujame in zamegli, kadar jo uporabljajo z zlonamernimi nameni. Hugh Grant se v vlogi očarljivega in obenem diaboličnega gospoda Reeda znajde v eni svojih najbolj nepozabnih vlog.

Predprodaja vstopnic : Galerija Alga.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Center za kulturo, šport in prireditve Izola
Kraška 1, 6310 Izola
051 396 283
Location: Kraška 1, 6310 Izola