Nutria events

Helena Tahir, last sector II. Helena Tahir, Poslednji sektor II.

culture exhibition

Helena Tahir works in the field of printmaking, painting and drawing and this year is completing a two-year residency for young artists at Mglc Switzerland. The last sector is a series that the artist develops over the long term as an intimate return to the hushed past of her father and his homeland, the country of Iraq. It includes photographs, prints with embroidery, an artist's book, video, archival materials and drawings made with indigo paper. The works are symbols of memories, now revealed and transformed into a connected but still fragmentary narrative of the family.

The exhibition is part of a series from studios , with which we present the current work of artists who create in Mglc Switzerland.

The opening of the exhibition is on Wednesday, 5. in February 2025, at 18. hours in Mglc Switzerland. At the same time, we will also open the exhibition Damijana Kracina navigation .

Helena Tahir deluje na področju grafike, slikarstva in risbe ter letos zaključuje dvoletno Bivalno rezidenco za mlade umetnike in umetnice v MGLC Švicariji. Poslednji sektor je serija, ki jo umetnica dolgoročno razvija kot intimno vračanje v zamolčano preteklost svojega očeta in njegove domovine, države Irak. Obsega fotografije, grafike z vezenino, knjigo umetnika, video, arhivsko gradivo in risbe, narejene z indigo papirjem. Dela so simboli spominov, sedaj razkritih in preoblikovanih v povezano, a še vedno fragmentarno pripoved družine.

Razstava je del serije Iz ateljejev , s katero predstavljamo aktualno delo umetnikov in umetnic, ki ustvarjajo v MGLC Švicariji.

Odprtje razstave je v sredo, 5. februarja 2025, ob 18. uri v MGLC Švicariji. Sočasno bomo odprli tudi razstavo Damijana Kracine Navigacija .

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
MGLC, Mednarodni grafični likovni center
Pod turnom 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
+386 1 2413 800
Location: MGLC Švicarija