After a sold-out concert at the gallus Hall of Cankarjev Dom, the love collective Hamo & Tribute 2 love returns to the boutique stages where the boys feel most at home. "Few people, more music", they say with a laugh, because there you can hear all the details and physical states, both "lubezni", and music.
In the embrace of the Ljubljana Castle, in the Hribar hall they prepare just such an acoustic treat that will not send you home without passion and enthusiasm. But since Girls and wives are celebrated these days, this can be a real tribute for your lady on women's day. Flowers wither, music remains.
You are cordially invited to embrace"lubezni".
Matevz Shalehar Hamo-vocals / guitar
Peter Dekleva-backing vocals / guitar
Uros Shkerl Kramberger hippie-backing vocals / bass guitar
Martin Janezic Buco-drums/percussion / vip
Anzha Zaversnik - backing vocals / keyboards / sa animatofon
LUV Fest, festival of love, art and Vandanja
Po razprodanem koncertu v Gallusovi dvorani Cankarjevega doma, se kolektiv ljubezni Hamo & Tribute 2 love vrača na butične odre, kjer se fantje počutijo najbolj domače. »Malo ljudi, več muzike«, pravijo v smehu, saj tam lahko slišiš vse detajle in agregatna stanja, tako »lubezni«, kot glasbe.
V objemu Ljubljanskega gradu, v Hribarjevi dvorani pripravljajo prav takšno, akustično poslastico, ki vas ne bo poslala domov brez strasti in navdušenja. Ker pa v teh dneh praznujejo dekleta in žene, je to lahko pravi poklon za vašo damo ob dnevu žena. Rože ovenijo, glasba ostaja.
Prisrčno vabljeni v objem »lubezni«.
Matevž Šalehar Hamo - vokal/kitara
Peter Dekleva - spremljevalni vokal/kitara
Uroš Škerl Kramberger Hipi - spremljevalni vokal/bas kitara
Martin Janežič Buco - bobni/tolkala/vip
Anže Zaveršnik - spremljevalni vokal/klaviature/saxofon
Dogodek v sklopu LUV festa , festivala Ljubezni, Umetnosti in Vandranja