Nutria events

Grosuplje: lighting the festive lights, visiting St. Nicholas, ROK'n Band concert Grosuplje: Prižig prazničnih luči, obisk Miklavža, koncert Rok'n Band

music entertainment

A wonderful festive December time is coming.

They will actually enter the city on Thursday, 5. 12. 2024, at 18. the hour when the holiday lights will be lit in the city center.

The event will continue with the opening of the Christmas Village and so that you don't get cold, the dance rhythms of the Rok'n Band will take care .

Between 17.00 and 21.00, the St. Nicholas Fair will also take place.

You are invited to the city center, on the Camp Road, to enter the festive days together with Grosuplje!

Prihaja čudovit praznični decembrski čas.

Vanj bodo v Grosupljem prav zares vstopili v četrtek, 5. 12. 2024 , ob 18. uri, ko bodo v centru mesta prižgali praznične luči.

Dogodek se bo nadaljeval z otvoritvijo Božične vasi in da vas ne bo zeblo, bodo poskrbeli plesni ritmi skupine Rok’n Band .

Med 17.00 in 21.00 bo potekal tudi Miklavžev sejem.

Vabljeni v center mesta, na Taborsko cesto, da skupaj z Grosupljem vstopite v praznične dni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Mestno drsališče Grosuplje, Taborska cesta 6, 1290 Grosuplje