At the city skating rink , together with the winter fairy and Rudolf, you will be waiting for Santa Claus, whom the children are already eagerly awaiting. The culmination of the evening will take place with Abba Mia , a tribute band from Slovenia, which will conjure up a real festive atmosphere with its brilliant costumes, excellent band and disco music.
Visits to the winter Villa, Rudolf and Santa Claus: 16.00 to 18.00
Concert ABBA Mia: 19.30 to 21.30
Na Mestnem drsališču boste skupaj z Zimsko vilo in Rudolfom pričakali Božička , ki ga otroci že tako nestrpno pričakujejo. Vrhunec večera bo potekal s skupino Abba Mia , tribute skupino iz Slovenije, ki nam bo s sijajnimi kostumi, odlično zasedbo in disko glasbo pričarala pravo praznično vzdušje.
Obiski zimske vile, Rudolfa in Božička: 16.00 do 18.00
Koncert ABBA Mia: 19.30 do 21.30