Family Concert: Tchaikovsky by nature
Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
Ana Erculj, conductor
Franci Krevh, facilitator
P. I. Tchaikovsky:
Nutcracker, op. 71a-selection from suite
Swan Lake, op. 20a-selection from suite
Romeo And Juliet-selection
Sleeping Beauty, op. 66a-selection from the suite
Symphony No. 4-selection
An event that will please small and large listeners!
Peter was only four years old when he started composing! He often drew inspiration for his music from nature, which fascinated him. Every day he should spend two hours walking in nature. He also enjoyed picking mushrooms! You will learn all this and much more interesting news at a concert dedicated to this excellent Russian composer.
Photo: Darja Shtraus Tisu.
Organizer: friends of Music Association and auditorium Portoroz-Portorose
Družinski koncert: Čajkovski po naravi
Orkester Slovenske filharmonije
Ana Erčulj, dirigentka
Franci Krevh, povezovalec
Hrestač, op. 71a – izbor iz suite
Labodje jezero, op. 20a– izbor iz suite
Romeo in Julija – izbor
Trnuljčica, op. 66a – izbor iz suite
Simfonija št. 4 – izbor
Dogodek, ki bo zadovoljil male in velike poslušalce!
Peter je imel le štiri leta, ko je začel komponirati! Navdih za svojo glasbo je pogosto črpal iz narave, ki ga je navduševala. Vsak dan naj bi dve uri preživel na sprehodu po naravi. Prav tako je užival ob nabiranju gob! Vse to in še veliko več zanimivih novic boste izvedeli na koncertu, posvečenem temu izvrstnemu ruskemu skladatelju.
Fotografija: Darja Štraus Tisu.
Organizatorja: Društvo prijateljev glasbe in Avditorij Portorož-Portorose