conversation with Jan Cvitkovic
A Film by Jan Cvitkovich about the stories and Confessions of drug addicts.
Confessions of 17-year-old Brina and her mother Sasha about dealing with a child's addiction; 38-year-old Maya, who entered the world of addiction at the age of 13, her confrontation with child deprivation, overdose, treatment; 22-year-old Emma, who is in her fifth month of pregnancy; 46-year-old emir, who spends his life in the basement of an abandoned house; once a successful athlete and soldier, 36-year-old Maya, who was seduced into the world of stupor by a boy ... they are just some of the stories that participants want to discourage young people from using drugs. By showing the life of addicts, their confessions, revealing the causes of addiction, the consequences of drug use on the individual, families, society ... the authors of the documentary want to draw attention to the harmful consequences of drug use, which among 270 million addicts claim more than half a million lives of men, women and children annually in the world. Opioid-related addictions and deaths, mainly due to synthetic opioids, are on the rise.«
"The creators of the documentary film "Gram of heart" entered the world of addiction and accompanied addicts on the streets of Ljubljana, who in interviews confessed their own experience of the harmful consequences of drug use ... loss of home, broken and destroyed families, taking away children, prostitution, HIV infections, physical violence, alcoholism ..."
pogovor z Janom Cvitkovičem
Film Jana Cvitkoviča o zgodbah in izpovedih odvisnikov o drogah.
Izpovedi 17-letne Brine in njene mame Saše o soočanju z odvisnostjo otroka; 38-letne Maje, ki je v svet odvisnosti vstopila pri 13 letih, njeno soočanje z odvzemom otroka, predoziranji, zdravljenjem; 22-letne Eme, ki je v petem mesecu nosečnosti; 46-letnega Emirja, ki življenje preživlja v kleti zapuščene hiše; nekdaj uspešne športnice in vojakinje, 36-letne Maje, ki jo je v svet omame zapeljal fant ... so le nekatere izmed zgodb, s katerimi želijo sodelujoči odvrniti mlade od uporabe drog. S prikazom življenja odvisnikov, njihovimi izpovedmi, odstiranjem vzrokov odvisnosti, posledicami uporabe drog na posameznika, družine, družbo ... želimo avtorji dokumentarnega filma opozoriti na škodljive posledice uporabe drog, ki med 270 milijoni odvisnikov terjajo letno na svetu več kot pol milijona življenj moških, žensk in otrok. Odvisnosti in smrti povezane z opioidi, predvsem zaradi sintetičnih opioidov, so v porastu.«
"Ustvarjalci dokumentarnega filma »Gram srca« smo vstopili v svet odvisnosti in na ulicah Ljubljane spremljali odvisnike, ki so v intervjujih izpovedali lastno doživljanje škodljivih posledic uporabe drog ... izguba doma, razbite in uničene družine, odvzemi otrok, prostitucija, okužbe s HIV, fizično nasilje, alkoholizem ..."