Nutria events

The Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim (animated fantasy adventure) GOSPODAR PRSTANOV: VOJNA ROHIRRIMOV (animirana fantazijska pustolovščina)


Set 183 years before the events of the trilogy, it depicts the fate of Helm Hammerhand, the legendary king of Rohan, as well as his daughter H Animtra. After an unexpected attack by the revengeful Lord of the Dunlendings, Helm and his people take refuge in the ancient fort of Hornburg, which would later become known as Helm's gorge. At the most desperate moment, H animra must gather strength to lead the resistance against an enemy that threatens to destroy the kingdom.

Directed By Kenji Kami

Scenario: Jeffrey Addiss, Will Matthews, Phoebe Gittins

Starring: Brian Co//, Miranda Otto, Janine Duvitski, Luke Pas / / / / / / / / / / /

Duration: 134 minutes

Zgodba se dogaja 183 let pred dogodki iz trilogije in prikazuje usodo Helma Hammerhanda, legendarnega kralja Rohana, ter njegove hčerke Hére. Po nepričakovanem napadu Wulfa, maščevalnega gospoda Dunlendingov, se Helm in njegovi ljudje zatečejo v starodavno utrdbo Hornburg, ki bo kasneje postala znana kot Helmova soteska. Héra mora v najbolj obupanem trenutku zbrati moč, da vodi odpor proti sovražniku, ki grozi z uničenjem kraljestva.

Režija: Kenji Kamiyama

Scenarij: Jeffrey Addiss, Will Matthews, Phoebe Gittins

Igrajo: Brian Cox, Miranda Otto, Janine Duvitski, Luke Pasqualino

Trajanje: 134 minut

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
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