Nutria events

How can I surprise you? with the reception of Santa Claus Gledališka predstava Kako te lahko presenetim? s sprejemom dedka Mraza

theatre children

Children invited to the performance of the Malalu theater and the reception of Santa Claus.

Free admission.

Organizer: intercommunal Association of friends of Youth Sezana.

Otroci, vabljeni na predstavo Gledališča Malalu in sprejem dedka Mraza.

Vstop prost.

Organizator: Medobčinsko društvo prijateljev mladine Sežana.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Medobčinsko društvo prijateljev mladine Sežana
Location: Gorenje, vaški dom, 6215 Divača