Nutria events

Lalanit Theatre Gledališče Lalanit


Lalanit theatre was founded in 2011 in Ljubljana by actress-puppet animator, director, narrator, mentor, puppet maker and author Iuna Ornik under the auspices of the Association of puppet creators.

The word "lalanit" is coined and comes from the adolescent song of the author and means to weave a good mood. It can also mean a beautiful memory , a song dear to you or a melody that you whistle, a sweet secret, in short, something beautiful that lasts. Lalanit is also a fragile and strong inner force in a person who, with the ability of his hands, spirit and heart, can help himself and thus survive the stormy world around him. Therefore, the Lalanit Theater is primarily an intimate, author's and poetic theater.

Lalanit became the leitmotif in the later creation of the author's poetics, and is derived from the play LALANIT of the same name in the production of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre in 2000, where the main goal was to make children laugh. So it became the Lalanit Theater, a theater for children and those like them who want to weave a good mood together.

The author invites artists to the theater, with whom she seeks original author's contributions in the textual,dramaturgical, artistic, directorial and musical approaches. Thus, he encourages new possibilities in the search for a puppet-theatrical medium with various collaborators.

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Gledališče Lalanit je 2011 v Ljubljani pod okriljem Društva lutkovnih ustvarjalcev ustanovila igralka-animatorka lutk, režiserka, pripovedovalka, mentorica, izdelovalka lutk in avtorica Iuna Ornik.

Beseda «lalanit« je skovanka in izhaja iz mladostniške pesmi avtorice in pomeni splesti dobro voljo. Lahko pomeni tudi lep spomin, drag ti napev ali melodijo , ki si jo požvižgavaš, sladko skrivnost, skratka nekaj lepega, ki traja. Lalanit je tudi krhka in močna notranja sila v človeku, ki si lahko s sposobnostjo svojih rok, duha in srca pomaga sam in tako preživi viharen svet okoli sebe. Zato je Gledališče Lalanit predvsem intimno, avtorsko in poetično gledališče.

Lalanit je postala vodilni motiv v kasnejšem ustvarjanju avtoričinih poetik, izhaja pa iz istoimenske predstave LALANIT v produkciji Lutkovnega gledališča Ljubljana l.2000, kjer je bil glavni cilj nasmejati otroke. Tako je postalo Gledališče Lalanit, gledališče za otroke in njim podobne, ki hočejo skupaj splesti dobro voljo.

Avtorica v gledališče vabi ustvarjalce, s katerimi išče izvirne avtorske prispevke v besedilnem, dramaturškem,likovnem, režijskem in glasbenem pristopu. Tako vspodbuja nove možnosti v iskanju lutkovno-gledališkega medija z različnimi sodelavci.

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Javni zavod Mala ulica
Prečna 7, 1000 Ljubljana
01 306 27 00, 01 306 27 01
Mobile Phone:
041 398 615
Location: Javni zavod Mala ulica