Niko Bajc is a native singer-songwriter from Ajdovsc, who enriches many events in the Vipava Valley with his authentic musical expression and guitar melodies. His compositions, I confess, and Burja, for which he also has a video, are true tributes to the beauty and character of the Valley. In particular, Bora stands out as a kind of Anthem to this famous Vipava special feature that shapes life in the region.
Niko Bajc je domači kantavtor iz Ajdovščine, ki s svojim pristnim glasbenim izrazom in kitarskimi melodijami obogati številne dogodke v Vipavski dolini. Njegovi skladbi Priznam ter Burja, za katere ima tudi videospota, sta prava poklona lepoti in značaju doline. Posebej Burja izstopa kot nekakšna himna tej znameniti vipavski posebnosti, ki oblikuje življenje v regiji.