Nutria events

GLADIATOR 2 (Action adventure drama GLADIATOR 2 (akcijska pustolovska drama)


Gladiator II continues the epic saga of power, intrigue and revenge in ancient Rome. Years after witnessing the death of the venerable hero Maximus by his Uncle, Lucius (Paul Mescal) is forced to enter the Colosseum after his home is taken by tyrannical emperors, who now run Rome with an iron hand. With rage in his heart and at risk for the future of the Empire, Lucius must look into his past to find strength and honor and return the glory of Rome to his people.

Lucila, the daughter of Marcus Aurelius, sent her son Lucius, after the events of the debut, due to political instability, to grow up in Numidia, where, beyond the reach of the clutches of the Roman Empire, he created a family. He lives peacefully on the North African coast until conquerors from his homeland knock on his door…

Directed By: Ridge / Scott

Screenplay: David Scarpa, Peter Craig, David Franzoni < BR >

Played By: Pedro Pascal, Denzel Animatashington, Connie Nielsen, Derek Jacobi, Paul Mescal, Fred Hechinger, Joseph Animatuinn, Lior Raz

Duration: 148 minutes

Gladiator II nadaljuje epsko sago o moči, spletkah in maščevanju v starem Rimu. Lucij (Paul Mescal) je leta po tem, ko je bil priča smrti častitljivega junaka Maksima, ki ga je ubil njegov stric, prisiljen vstopiti v Kolosej, potem ko njegov dom zavzamejo tiranski cesarji, ki zdaj Rim vodijo z železno roko. Z besom v srcu in s tveganjem za prihodnost cesarstva mora Lucij pogledati v svojo preteklost, da bi našel moč in čast ter vrnil slavo Rima njegovemu ljudstvu.

Lucila, hči Marka Avrelija, je sina Lucija po dogodkih prvenca zaradi politične nestabilnosti poslala odraščat v Numidijo, kjer si je zunaj dosega krempljev rimskega cesarstva ustvaril družino. Na severnoafriški obali živi mirno, dokler na njegova vrata ne potrkajo osvajalci iz njegove domovine…

Režija: Ridley Scott

Scenarij: David Scarpa, Peter Craig, David Franzoni

Igrajo: Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington, Connie Nielsen, Derek Jacobi, Paul Mescal, Fred Hechinger, Joseph Quinn, Lior Raz

Trajanje: 148 minut

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
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