Nutria events

GEODIALOGUES, public guided tour of the exhibition GEODIALOGI, javno vodstvo po razstavi

exhibition lecture

Beti Bricelj and Sandija Renko Geodialogi are invited to the public guided tour of the exhibition Beti Bricelj and Sandija Renko Geodialogi . After the exhibition, we will be guided by the curator Denis Volk and one of the authors Sandi Renko.

More about the exhibition here .

Lepo vabljeni na javno vodstvo po razstavi Beti Bricelj in Sandija Renka Geodialogi . Po razstavi nas bosta vodila kurator Denis Volk in eden od avtorjev Sandi Renko.

Več o razstavi TUKAJ .

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
05 335 40 15
Location: Mestna galerija Nova Gorica