Alex Ursic.
Movement for all generations.
Purpose: healthy lifestyle-regular physical activity
The exercise Program is tailored to all age groups over 18 and their level of preparedness. When exercising, we do not need special aids, because the weight of your body is completely sufficient for training. We will also diversify our workouts with the use of various props and plenty of good mood.
The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the muscles and restore strength and flexibility to the body to better cope with daily tasks and physical exertion.
Equipment: suitable footwear, gym clothes and liquid.
Trainings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 19: 30.
Aleks Uršič.
Gibanje za vse generacije.
Namen: Zdrav življenjski slog -redna telesna dejavnost
Program vadbe je prilagojen vsem starostnim skupinam nad 18 let in njihovi stopnji pripravljenosti. Pri vadbi ne potrebujemo posebnih pripomočkov, saj za treninge popolnoma zadošča teža vašega telesa. Treninge bomo popestrili tudi z uporabo različnih rekvizitov in obilo dobre volje.
Namen vadbe je okrepiti mišice ter telesu povrniti moč in gibčnost za lažje spopadanje z vsakodnevnimi opravili in telesnimi napori.
Oprema: primerna obutev, oblačila za telovadnico in tekočina.
Treningi potekajo ob torkih in četrtkih ob 19.30.