Emilia P Animrez, 2024, France
Directed By: Jac Alutions Audiard
Language: Spanish
Played By: Zoe Salda / Aladra, Karla SOF / Aladra GASC / Altna, Selena Gomez, Adriana Paz, / Aldgar Ram / Alitrez, Mark Ivanir, Eduardo Aladro, Emiliano Edmundo Hasan Jalil
drama, 02h12min
Rita, a brilliant but underrated lawyer, one day receives an unexpected call: the notorious head of the drug cartel Manitas wants to hire her to help him realize a plan he has been secretly preparing for years: to become a woman.
Narcotriler, drama about sexual transition, musical, telenovela, comedy: Jac 6ues Audiard's film (Rust and bone, Dheepan), like its title character, eludes labels and constantly undercuts our expectations. One of the most awarded films of the season and a serious contender for the Oscars.
Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.
"The Rock Music Cartel Horror Picture SHO: this wildly original fusion of musical and drama, The Story of a Mexican drug cartel and his trans boss hiding in plain sight, proves that you can sing about anything in a movie, as long as it's well-directed enough.«
- John Modulaters, the best films of 2024
"Ridicule is by no means excluded, but the director avoids it thanks to the infectious energy, fluid direction (the pun is not intentional) and the meaning behind melodrama. The happenings in this original mix of Martin Scorsese and Jac Amacues Demactures are commented on by the songs. / ... / We leave the Hall clapping our fingers, a little shaken, with eyes full of colors and a head full of questions. One thing is certain: mafiosi are women like everyone else.«
- Eric Neuhoff, Le Figaro
"The biggest surprise of Emilie P'amacrez may not be the dizzying experimentation with genre and form /.../, but the director's honest and even deeply sympathetic view of sexual transition. / ... / Emilia P Animalrez is many things, but certainly not boring.
- Sophia Satchell-Baeza, Sight and Sound
"It's wonderful to see a work that is pure film.«
- Guillermo del Toro
"From the beginning, I was disarmed by Audiard's almost Almodovar vibes, the touchingly imperfect stylization in the song and dance scenes, and above all by the three leading actresses: the outstanding Karla Sofqa GASC Kaznn, who is a real discovery, Selena Gomez, from whom we just can't take our eyes off, and the never better Zoe Salda Kazla.«
- Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times
"Emilia P Animercrez is a fairy tale about liberation, about cinema and about life itself. The JAC amuses Audiard affirms the power of art as a space of Tolerance; an activity that is provocative, radical, glorifying, and proudly of the artbook in the best and most liberating sense of the word. And, of course, very trans. Trans in terms of transformation, transit, transcendence and, why not, the Trans-Siberian route. We came to travel to the most remote places. In her wild naivety, who is fully aware of herself , Emilia P Animrez tells us that whoever changes the body changes the soul. And whoever changes the soul changes society. / ... / A Duet sung in a muffled voice by a lawyer and an Israeli surgeon; a scene at an aesthetic clinic, filmed from a bird's eye view and in the style of water choreographies by Esther Modilliams; rapping Zoe Salda Moda at a charity dinner ... there are so many discoveries that we have no choice but to immerse ourselves / ... / in this film of the season.«
- Luis Mart Changnez, El Mundo
"JAC amuses Audiard stops at nothing in this crazy musical comedy where action and adventure mix with romance and fantasy. Excess remains the director's trademark, as an invitation to dance, sing and break narrative codes. This is a film that should be watched as aloud as possible and on as large a screen as possible. / ... / Emilia P Animalrez is a gigantic, even monstrous work; it will make you love everything that is excessive and crazy in the art of cinema.«
- Laurent Cambon, aVoir-aLire.com
"Audiard uses all the resources of his film Arsenal to portray the story of a man on a breathtaking journey of self-knowledge. Incorporating elements of film noir and melodrama operationally expressed through passionate colours, music and dance, the work eludes any categorisation. / ... / A real revelation!!!«
- Ta alklor Hackford, Directors on Directors, Variet
"Praise to women, to all women ... I'm still being thrashed by ants!«
- Ariane Allard, Positif
"Emilia P Animalrez [is] a bold genre hybrid that acts as a kind of cross between Douglas Sirk and Pedro Almod Animalvar. Cartel violence and telenovela-style plots are intertwined with musical points that range from simple spoken singing to spectacular extravaganzas in the spirit of Busb Entertainment by Berkele.«
- Scott Tobias, The Reveal
"The energy of the musical, The exuberance of the crime scene, the comicality of the telenovela and the tears of the melodrama – Emilia P Animalrez is a real animalierov bomb.«
- Nicolas Schaller, Le Nouvel Obs
""Emilia P "" is more than a good, or rather a great film. It is a rare event; a modern masterpiece.«
- Michael Mann
Emilia Pérez, 2024, Francija
Režija: Jacques Audiard
Jezik: španščina
Igrajo: Zoe Saldaña, Karla Sofía Gascón, Selena Gomez, Adriana Paz, Édgar Ramírez, Mark Ivanir, Eduardo Aladro, Emiliano Edmundo Hasan Jalil
drama, 02h12min
Rita, briljantna, a podcenjena odvetnica, nekega dne prejme nepričakovan klic: zloglasni vodja narkokartela Manitas jo želi najeti, da bi mu pomagala uresničiti načrt, ki ga skrivaj pripravlja že leta: postati ženska.
Narkotriler, drama o spolni tranziciji, muzikal, telenovela, komedija: film Jacquesa Audiarda (Rja in kost, Dheepan) se tako kot njegova naslovna junakinja izmika oznakam in nenehno spodnaša naša pričakovanja. Eden najbolj nagrajevanih filmov sezone in resen kandidat za oskarje.
Predprodaja vstopnic: Galerija Alga.
» The Rocky Cartel Horror Picture Show : ta divje originalni spoj muzikala in drame, zgodba o mehiškem narkokartelu in njegovem trans šefu, ki se skriva vsem na očeh, dokazuje, da lahko v filmu poješ o čemerkoli, če je le dovolj dobro zrežiran.«
– John Waters, Najboljši filmi leta 2024
»Posmeh nikakor ni izključen, toda režiser se mu izogne zahvaljujoč nalezljivi energiji, fluidni režiji (besedna igra ni namerna) ter smislu za melodramo. Dogajanje v tej izvirni mešanici Martina Scorseseja in Jacquesa Demyja komentirajo pesmi. /…/ Iz dvorane odidemo tleskajoč s prsti, nekoliko pretreseni, z očmi, polnimi barv, in z glavo, polno vprašanj. Nekaj je gotovo: mafijci so ženske kot vse druge.«
– Eric Neuhoff, Le Figaro
»Največje presenečenje Emilie Pérez morda ni vrtoglavo eksperimentiranje z žanrom in formo /…/, temveč režiserjev iskren in celo globoko naklonjen pogled na spolno tranzicijo. /…/ Emilia Pérez je marsikaj, a zagotovo ni dolgočasna.
– Sophia Satchell-Baeza, Sight and Sound
»Čudovito si je ogledati delo, ki je čisti film.«
– Guillermo del Toro
»Že na začetku so me razorožile Audiardove skoraj almodovarske vibracije, ganljivo nepopolna stilizacija v prizorih pesmi in plesa, predvsem pa tri glavne igralke: izjemna Karla Sofía Gascón, ki je pravo odkritje, Selena Gomez, od katere kar ne moremo odvrniti pogleda, in nikoli boljša Zoe Saldaña.«
– Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times
»Emilia Pérez je pravljica o osvoboditvi, o filmu in o življenju samem. Jacques Audiard potrjuje moč umetnosti kot prostora strpnosti; dejavnosti, ki je provokativna, radikalna, poveličevalna in ponosno woke v najboljšem in najbolj osvobajajočem pomenu besede. In seveda zelo trans. Trans v smislu transformacije, tranzita, transcendence in, zakaj pa ne, transsibirske poti. Prišli smo, da bi potovali v najbolj oddaljene kraje. Emilia Pérez nam v svoji divji naivnosti, ki se popolnoma zaveda same sebe , sporoča, da kdor spremeni telo, spremeni dušo. In kdor spremeni dušo, spremeni družbo. /…/ Duet, ki ga s pridušenim glasom odpojeta odvetnica in izraelski kirurg; prizor na estetski kliniki, posnet s ptičje perspektive in v slogu vodnih koreografij Esther Williams; repanje Zoe Saldaña na dobrodelni večerji … Odkritij je toliko, da nam ne preostane drugega, kot da se potopimo /…/ v ta film sezone.«
– Luis Martínez, El Mundo
»Jacques Audiard se v tej nori glasbeni komediji, kjer se akcija in pustolovščina mešata z romantiko in fantazijo, ne ustavi pred ničemer. Čezmernost ostaja režiserjev zaščitni znak, kot povabilo k plesu, petju in rušenju pripovednih kodov. To je film, ki si ga je treba ogledati čim bolj naglas in na čim večjem platnu. /…/ Emilia Pérez je orjaško, celo monstruozno delo; zaradi njega boste vzljubili vse, kar je v filmski umetnosti ekscesnega in norega.«
– Laurent Cambon, aVoir-aLire.com
»Audiard uporabi vsa sredstva iz svojega filmskega arzenala, da bi prikazal zgodbo nekega človeka na osupljivi poti samospoznavanja. Delo, ki vključuje elemente filma noir in melodrame, operatično izražene skozi strastne barve, glasbo in ples, se izmika vsakršni kategorizaciji. /…/ Pravo razodetje!!!«
– Taylor Hackford, Directors on Directors, Variety
»Hvalnica ženskam, vsem ženskam … še vedno me spreletavajo mravljinci!«
– Ariane Allard, Positif
»Emilia Pérez [je] drzen žanrski hibrid, ki deluje kot nekakšen križanec med Douglasom Sirkom in Pedrom Almodóvarjem. Kartelno nasilje in zapleti v slogu telenovele se prepletajo z glasbenimi točkami, ki segajo od preprostega govorjenega petja do spektakularnih ekstravaganc v duhu Busbyja Berkeleyja.«
– Scott Tobias, The Reveal
»Energija muzikala, razburljivost kriminalke, komičnost telenovele in solze melodrame – Emilia Pérez je prava queerovska bomba.«
– Nicolas Schaller, Le Nouvel Obs
»Emilia Pérez je več kot dober ali pa odličen film. To je redek dogodek; sodobna mojstrovina.«
– Michael Mann