Nutria events

Economics, business value of projects and risk management Ekonomika, poslovna vrednost projektov in obvladovanje tveganj


From idea to project completion, economics is one of the key elements of success, including effective management of changes and risks in project management. It is also important to be able to assess how to decide on a project based on the projected returns of the project.

Objective of the practical workshop:

Participants will learn about project economics and project risk management. In the context of project economics, you will learn the approach to the preparation of the project cost estimate and the project cost flow, as well as the methods for selecting the most profitable projects. In Project Risk Management, the focus is on identifying potential risks in projects and using a method to analyze project risks and respond to risks.

The workshop is aimed at:

to project managers who wish to become familiar with project cost planning, project evaluation and Risk Management in order to deepen their knowledge,

managers who want to get acquainted with Project Management and problems of project economics and risk management,

to other project participants who want to learn about the" rules of the game " to work successfully with projects and their costs and risks surrounding projects.

You will find even more information about the practical workshop, the lecturer and the application form here: economics, business value of projects and the best methods for managing changes and risks in project management

Ekonomika je od ideje do zaključka projekta eden izmed ključnih elementov uspešnosti, vključno z učinkovitim obvladovanjem sprememb in tveganj pri vodenju projektov. Prav tako pa je pomembno znati tudi oceniti, kako se odločiti za projekt na osnovi predvidenih donosov projekta.

Cilj praktične delavnice:

Udeleženci boste spoznali problematiko ekonomike projektov ter obvladovanja tveganj pri projektih. V okviru ekonomike projekta se naučite predvsem pristop k pripravi predračuna stroškov projekta ter stroškovnega toka projekta, ter metode za izbiro najbolj donosnih projektov. Pri obvladovanju tveganj projekta je poudarek na opredelitvi možnih tveganj pri projektih ter uporabi metode za analizo tveganj projekta in odziv na tveganja.

Delavnica je namenjena:

vodjem projektov, ki se želijo seznaniti s planiranjem stroškov projekta, vrednotenjem projektov in obvladovanjem tveganj ter tako poglobiti svoje znanje,

managerjem, ki se želijo seznaniti s projektnim managementom in problematiko ekonomike projektov ter obvladovanja tveganj,

drugim sodelujočim pri projektih, ki želijo spoznati »pravila igre« za uspešno delo s projekti in njihovimi stroški ter tveganji, ki obkrožajo projekte.

Še več informacij o praktični delavnici, predavatelju ter prijavnico boste našli tukaj: Ekonomika, poslovna vrednost projektov in najboljše metode za obvladovanje sprememb in tveganj pri vodenju projektov

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Agencija POTI - Z znanjem do cilja, Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana