Nutria events

Hanging out with puzzles Druženje ob sestavljankah

children entertainment

Every first Friday of the month, we invite puzzle lovers to socialize, where we will compose together, tell each other something and Exchange puzzles that we have already composed or are tired of many times.

Applications and more information: or 031/278-819.

Free admission. You are kindly invited.

Friday, 7. February 2025, at 17. uri, classroom read

Ljubitelje sestavljank vsak prvi petek v mesecu vabimo na druženje, kjer bomo skupaj sestavljali, si kaj povedali ter si izmenjevali sestavljanke, ki smo jih že večkrat sestavili ali smo se jih naveličali.

Prijave in več informacij: ali 031/278-819.

Vstop prost. Prijazno vabljeni.

Petek, 7. februar 2025, ob 17. uri, Učilnica Beri

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Mirana Jarca Novo mesto, Southeast Slovenia