Nutria events

Socializing young mothers with postpartum doula and lactation consultant Druženje mladih mamic s poporodno dulo in svetovalko za dojenje

social health, 071-300-200.

Dear women, mothers...

We kindly invite you to spend a cup of tea with the postpartum doula and counsellor for pregnant and lactating mothers Monika carob. Children are also welcome. The meeting is free

The meeting will take place on Thursday, 13. 2. 2025 from 10.00 to 11.00 at Kajuhova 6 in the premises of VGC+ junction at Kidricevo.

Monika Rozic: "as a first-time mother, I struggled with uncertainty, doubts and a feeling of overload every day. After hearing other moms with the same / similar experiences, it brought me relief and the feeling that I was not alone. No one can really understand you as a mother as a woman who is also a mother-even better a woman who has a child like you ... ”

More information on the links below:, 071 300 200.

Drage ženske, mamice...

Prijazno vas vabimo, da se ob skodelici čaja družite s poporodno dulo in svetovalko za nosečnice ter doječe mamice Moniko Rožič. Dobrodošli tudi otroci. Srečanje je brezplačno

Srečanje bo potekalo v četrtek, 13. 2. 2025 od 10.00 do 11.00 na Kajuhovi 6 v prostorih VGC+ Stičišče na Kidričevem.

Monika Rožič: “Kot prvič mama sem se vsak dan borila z negotovostjo, dvomi in občutkom preobremenjenosti. Potem, ko sem slišala druge mame z enakimi/ podobnimi izkušnjami mi je to prineslo olajšanje in občutek, da nisem sama. Nihče te kot mamo ne more razumeti zares kot ženska, ki je prav tako mama - še bolje ženska, ki ima podobno starega otroka, kot ti…”

Več informacij na spodnjih povezavah:

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
VGC+ Stičišče Kidričevo
Location: Večgeneracijski center, Kajuhova ulica 6, 2325 Kidričevo