Nutria events

Holiday concerts and New Year's Eve Domžale: Praznični koncerti in silvestrovanje


30.11. - turning on the lights in Domzale with the Group B / C / Rok Piletic and the group The Stro / C / Cachmachine

21.12. - concert Luka Basi

28. 12. - concert of twisted felt

29.12. - concert Miran Rudan

31.12. - children's New Year's Eve in Cherry Park

31. 12. - New Year's Eve, music program and band bouncy musicians

30.11. – prižig luči v Domžalah s skupino BQL (Rok Piletič) in skupino The Stroymachine

21.12. – koncert Luka Basi

28. 12. – koncert Zvita Feltna

29.12. – koncert Miran Rudan

31.12. – otroško silvestrovanje v Češminovem parku

31. 12. – silvestrovanje, glasbeni program in skupina Poskočni muzikantje

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Športna dvorana Domžale, Mestni trg 1, 1230 Domžale