Nutria events

Friday and Saturday advent Domžale: Adventni petki in sobote


Join the advent fair in front of the Sports Hall :

Fridays offer stands with unique products, festive gifts and a grandmother's corner for the little ones, accompanied by music by DJ B. T.

Saturdays are complemented by singing, dancing and cultural performances.

Special events :

7. 12.: Performances of the kindergarten Ursa, majorette, dance groups and choirs.

14. 12.: Performances by elementary school students, musical ensembles and dancers.

21. 12.: The show Christmas dockometer and the arrival of Santa Claus.

Pridružite se Adventnemu sejmu pred Športno dvorano Domžale :

Petki ponujajo stojnice z unikatnimi izdelki, prazničnimi darili in babičin kotiček za najmlajše, ob glasbi DJ B. T.

Sobote dopolnjujejo pevski, plesni in kulturni nastopi.

Posebni dogodki :

7. 12.: Nastopi vrtca Urša, mažoret, plesnih skupin in pevskih zborov.

14. 12.: Nastopi osnovnošolcev, glasbenih ansamblov in plesalcev.

21. 12.: Predstava Božični pridnometer in prihod Božička.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Športna dvorana Domžale, Mestni trg 1, Domžale