To celebrate the Slovenian cultural holiday, the municipality of Radovljica invites you to celebrate on Tuesday, 4. on Feb.
The regional branch of the JSKD Radovljica, the Radovljica music school and the municipality of Radovljica invite to the municipal celebration on the occasion of the Slovenian cultural holiday. The event will take place on Tuesday, 4. in February 2025, at 19. hours in the Baroque hall of the Radovljica Manor . The programme will be co-designed by The Musical Group Artistik, academic actor Jernej Gasperin and facilitator Ursa Mlakar.
Radovljica with its museums, cultural attractions and excellent cuisine offers an excellent place for a cultural day . On this day, three museums in Radovljica open their doors, and especially warmly lovers of cultural attractions are invited to take a walk among the cultural attractions of Radovljica .
From Radovljica you can also walk to Vrba, the birthplace of dr. France Preserna. We wrote the proposal for this excursion here .
Cultural festival Program:
Blacksmith Museum
A special experience in one of the few surviving vignettes in Europe
Forging your own nail in Vigenjac vice (11:00-13: 00)
Beekeeping Museum
Relaxing hand workshop:
Rolling scented candles and presentation of the adventure for families booklet (10: 00-18: 00)
Learn about the world of bees, their secrets and stories of coexistence with humans. The Carniolan bee is mentioned in his sonnet wreath by France Preseren, where he writes: "and the warm sun invites the bee out.”
Leading after the show to live together. About the Bee and the man with the curator Kristina Seljak (11: 00-12: 00)
Seamstress's House gallery
Learn about the extremely popular and easy way to connect between people as they used to know it:
Guided tour of the postcard exhibition is too dear to me! and writing postcards with curators Katja Kreutz Praprotnik, Kristina Seljak and Sasha Florjancic (15: 00-16: 00)
Walk through the famous bourgeois house, which delights all lovers of the art of architecture, painting and illustration. Do not miss the rich collection of fine works of children's and youth literature by Slovenian illustrators.
City Museum
Independent tour of the permanent exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Anton Tomaz Linhart, 18. in the XIX century during the Enlightenment and the history of Radovljica (10:00-18:00).
Hostage Museum
Self-guided tour of the museum, which preserves the memory of the victims of the Second World War. Learn stories that should not be forgotten (10:00-16:00).
Are you coming to us from Ljubljana, Kranj, Jesenice or other places along the railway line? Then we recommend choosing a train for the route. The city center is in the immediate vicinity of the railway station, and new trains run on the Route Ljubljana - Jesenice, which delight both children and adults.
Ob praznovanju slovenskega kulturnega praznika Občina Radovljica vabi na proslavo v torek, 4. februarja.
Območna izpostava JSKD Radovljica, Glasbena šola Radovljica in Občina Radovljica vabijo na občinsko proslavo ob slovenskem kulturnem prazniku. Prireditev bo v torek, 4. februarja 2025, ob 19. uri v Baročni dvorani Radovljiške graščine . Program bodo sooblikovali glasbena skupina Artistik, akademski igralec Jernej Gašperin in povezovalka Urša Mlakar.
Radovljica z muzeji, kulturnimi zanimivostmi in vrhunsko kulinariko ponuja odlično mesto za s kulturo obarvan dan . Na ta dan svoja vrata odpirajo trije muzeji v Radovljici, posebej toplo pa ljubitelji kulturnih znamenitosti vabljeni na Sprehod med kulturnimi znamenitostmi Radovljice .
Iz Radovljice se lahko peš sprehodite tudi v Vrbo, rojstni kraj dr. Franceta Prešerna. Predlog tega izleta smo zapisali tukaj .
Program ob kulturnem prazniku:
Kovaški muzej
Posebno doživetje v enem redkih ohranjenih še delujočih vigenjcev v Evropi
Kovanje lastnega žeblja v Vigenjcu vice (11:00–13:00)
Čebelarski muzej
Sproščujoča ročna delavnica:
Zvijanje dišečih svečk in predstavitev knjižice Dogodivščina za družine (10:00–18:00)
Spoznajte svet čebel, njihove skrivnosti in zgodbe o sobivanju s človekom. Kranjsko čebelo v svojem Sonetnem vencu omenja France Prešeren, kjer piše: “In toplo sonce vabi ven čebelo.”
Vodenje po razstavi Živeti skupaj. O čebeli in človeku s kustosinjo Kristino Seljak (11:00–12:00)
Galerija Šivčeva hiša
Spoznajte izjemno priljubljen in preprost način povezovanja med ljudmi, kot so ga poznali včasih:
Vodenje po razstavi razglednic Predragi mi! in pisanje razglednic s kustosinjami Katjo Kreutz Praprotnik, Kristino Seljak in Sašo Florjančič (15:00–16:00)
Sprehodite se po znameniti meščanski hiši, ki navdušuje vse ljubitelje umetnosti arhitekture, slikarstva in ilustracije. Ne spreglejte bogate zbirke likovnih del otroške in mladinske literature slovenskih ilustratorjev in ilustratork.
Mestni muzej
Samostojen ogled stalne razstave, posvečene življenju in delu Antona Tomaža Linharta, 18. stoletju času razsvetljenstva in zgodovini Radovljice (10:00–18:00).
Muzej talcev
Samostojen ogled muzeja, ki ohranja spomin na žrtve druge svetovne vojne. Spoznajte zgodbe, ki jih ne smemo pozabiti (10:00–16:00).
Prihajate k nam iz Ljubljane, Kranja, Jesenic ali drugih krajev ob železniški progi? Potem priporočamo, da za pot izberete vlak. Mestno jedro je v neposredni bližini železniške postaje, na trasi Ljubljana - Jesenice pa vozijo tudi novi vlaki, ki navdušijo tako otroke kot odrasle.