Fri, 31.01.2025 at 17:00 — 18: 30
The charity event will be held on Friday, 31. 1. 2025, at 17.00 in the gym of Primary School Miran Jarca Negromelj.
For 18 years, the Jasna charity event has been helping associations, groups or movements that contribute significantly to the quality and culture of life in our environment. This year, under the slogan "for a young culture", the funds raised will be used for the cultural activities (procurement of dolls, kamishibais and costumes) of the kindergarten Otto Zvezdancic Negrnomelj. About 250 performers will perform at the event: children, parents and kindergarten employees.
Choir of children and educators: accompanied by Andrej Farmic and Anton Grahek
Groups 2-6 years: bubbles, drops, Fireflies, Ducks, flukes, fish, dolphins, lions, Bunnies, ants, Frogs, roe deer, moles, bees, Penguins, horses, teddy bears, kittens
Video presentations of groups from 1-2 years and Development Department: Suns, stars, moons, snails, balls
Folklore group of the kindergarten Blackmaille
Educational choir: accompanied by Mojca Rebolj Dizdar and Miro Dizdar
Donations are also collected at SI56 0121 7603 0634 262, reference SI00 109100, clear for Cultural Action
Once Upon a time, a long time ago, when we were all quite small and barely knew how to count to three, there was a very small house that heard the name of a kindergarten from Black Earth ...
pet, 31.01.2025 ob 17:00 — 18:30
Dobrodelna prireditev Jasna bo v petek, 31. 1. 2025, ob 17.00 v telovadnici OŠ Mirana Jarca Črnomelj.
Dobrodelna prireditev Jasna že 18 let vsakoletno pomaga društvom, skupinam ali gibanjem, ki bistveno prispevajo h kakovosti in kulturi življenja v našem okolju. Zbrana sredstva bodo letos pod sloganom "Za mlado kulturo" namenjena za kulturno delovanje (nabavo lutk, kamišibajev in noš) Vrtca Otona Župančiča Črnomelj. Na prireditvi bo nastopilo okoli 250 nastopajočih: otrok, staršev in zaposlenih v vrtcu.
Pevski zbor otrok in vzgojiteljic: spremljava Andrej Kmetič in Anton Grahek
Skupine 2-6 let: Mehurčki, Kapljice, Kresničke, Račke, Metljčki, Ribice, Delfinčki, Levčki, Zajčki, Mravljice, Žabice, Srnice, Krtki, Čebelice, Pingvini, Konjički, Medvedki, Muce
Video predstavitve skupin od 1-2 let ter razvojnega oddelka: Sončki, Zvezdice, Lunice, Polžki, Žogice
Folklorna skupina Vrtca Črnomelj
Vzgojiteljski pevski zbor: spremljava Mojca Rebolj Dizdar in Miro Dizdar
Donacije se zbirajo tudi na SI56 0121 7603 0634 262, sklic SI00 109100, Jasna za kulturno delovanje
Nekoč, pred davnimi časi, ko smo bili vsi mi še čisto majhni in smo komaj znali prešteti do tri, je živela čisto majhna hišica, ki je slišala na ime vrtec iz Črnomlja ...