Stanislav Chicherov, with the help of photographs of butterflies taken by him over the past ten years, will give us an insight into their magical world. During more than four hundred trips, he took a lot of photos and with their help he will get to know you more closely about the individual species of daily butterflies of Slovenia, especially their beauty, rarity and increasing threat. Butterflies are our silent companions, their absence is evidence of the deterioration of the natural environment.
Visitors to the lecture will be offered some free publications about butterflies in our gardens and large posters with daily butterflies around Ljubljana.
We promise you that you will learn a lot about butterflies that you did not know so far and will surprise you!
Of 3. to 28. in February, the author's photos of our daily butterflies will also be on display in the library.
Stanislav Čičerov nam bo s pomočjo fotografij metuljev, ki jih je posnel v preteklih desetih letih, omogočil vpogled v njihov čarobni svet. Med več kot štiristotimi izleti je posnel veliko fotografij in z njihovo pomočjo vas bo pobliže seznanil s posameznimi vrstami dnevnih metuljev Slovenije, predvsem z njihovo lepoto, redkostjo in čedalje večjo ogroženostjo. Metulji so naši tihi sopotniki, njihova odsotnost je dokaz slabšanja naravnega okolja.
Obiskovalcem predavanja bo na voljo nekaj brezplačnih publikacij o metuljih na naših vrtovih in velikih posterjev z dnevnimi metulji okolice Ljubljane.
Obljubimo vam, da boste o metuljih izvedeli marsikaj, česar doslej niste vedeli in vas bo presenetilo!
Od 3. do 28. februarja bodo v knjižnici na ogled tudi avtorjeve fotografije naših dnevnih metuljev.