The day center is a place where young people can actively spend their free time and socialize.
There is a wide selection of board and computer games, materials and equipment for creating and a full bowl of little crazy ideas. At all times, a youth worker is present in the center, who makes sure that young people are never bored and helps to realize small and big ideas.
Are you coming around tonight?
The day center is exceptionally open today between 14.00 and 16.00.* Please understand, we return on Monday according to the established schedule!
Dnevni center je prostor, kjer lahko mladi aktivno preživljajo svoj prosti čas in se družijo.
Na voljo je pestra izbira družabnih in računalniških iger, materialov in opreme za ustvarjanje in polna skleda malih norih idej. Ves čas je v centru prisoten mladinski delavec, ki poskrbi, da mladim ni nikoli dolgčas in pomaga pri uresničevanju malih in velikih idej.
Danes za družbo popoldne skrbi Nadj a. A prideš kej okoli?
Dnevni center je danes izjemoma odprt med 14.00 in 16.00.* Prosimo za razumevanje, v ponedeljek se vračamo po ustaljenem urniku!