Nutria events

D. I. K. D.I.K.


The young Macedonian DJ duo, consisting of M. I. K. and DamageControl, under the common name D. I. K., is currently following their first tour.

Although perhaps only at the beginning of their musical journey, they have already performed in all neighborhoods in Skopje and are now expanding beyond the borders of their hometown and country through friendly ties. With their music, they offer listeners the opportunity to have a pleasant immersive experience and expand the good vibe .

D. I. K. is characterized by a playful mixing of different genres and styles, as well as a lively and colorful sound. M. I. K. and DamageControl work together to create sets that express their passion for sonic innovation while paying homage to the roots of electronic music. They sound dynamic and accessible, attracting the audience with their creativity and infectious energy.

The cafe La Amuter will turn D. I. K. into a dynamic soundstage.

Free admission. Well invited!

Mlad makedonski DJ dvojec, ki ga sestavljata M.I.K. in DamageControl, pod skupnim imenom D.I.K., trenutno pohaja po svoji prvi turneji. V torek prihaja v Kavarno Layer!

Čeprav sta M.I.K. in DamageControl na začetku svoje glasbene poti, sta nastopala že v vseh soseskah v Skopju in se zdaj preko prijateljskih vezi širita čez meje domačega mesta in države. S svojo glasbo poslušalcem ponujata priložnost za prijetno poglobitveno izkušnjo in širita good vibe .

Za D.I.K. je značilno igrivo mešanje različnih žanrov in stilov ter živahen in barvit zvok. M.I.K. in DamageControl skupaj ustvarjata sete, ki so izraz njune strasti do zvočne inovacije hkrati pa poklon koreninam elektronske glasbe. Zvenita dinamično in dostopno, občinstvo pa pritegneta s svojo ustvarjalnostjo in nalezljivo energijo.

Kavarno Layer bo D.I.K. spremenil v dinamično zvočno prizorišče.

Vstop prost. Lepo vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Layerjeva hiša - hiša umetnikov
Tomšičeva 32, 4000 Kranj
Location: Layerjeva hiša - hiša umetnikov