Nutria events

Workshop UTJO: living with North American Indians Delavnica UTŽO: Življenje s severnoameriškimi Indijanci

Center for Education and culture Trebnje, Kidriceva ulica 2, 8210 Trebnje

Tuesday 21. 01. 2025 at 09.00

Organizer: CIK TREBNJE

This time we will go to the workshop.

Lecturer Davi Stegu will take us to the world of North American Indians and share his unique experience with the Reconciliation Ride, which is held annually in memory of the tragic events in the city of Mankato, Minnesota, where many members of Indian tribes were killed.

In the lecture, we will get to know better the culture and history of the North American Indians, especially the Comanche and the Dakota and Lakota tribes. Davi Stegu joined their touching ritual that preserves memory and promotes reconciliation, enriching his experience with insights into their lives and traditions.

This unforgettable experience is also described in his book debut Why not?, self-published in 2021.

The workshop is free for members of UTZHA Trebnje, for non-members the contribution is 7.00 EUR.

More information: 07 34 82 100, 07 34 82 109 or

Center za izobraževanje in kulturo Trebnje, Kidričeva ulica 2, 8210 Trebnje

Torek 21. 01. 2025 ob 09.00

Organizator: CIK TREBNJE

Na delavnici UTŽO Trebnje se bomo tokrat potepali.

Predavatelj Davi Stegu nas bo popeljal v svet severnoameriških Indijancev in delil svojo edinstveno izkušnjo s spravno ježo, ki se vsako leto odvija v spomin na tragične dogodke v mestu Mankato v Minnesoti, kjer so bili pobiti številni pripadniki indijanskih plemen.

Na predavanju bomo bolje spoznali kulturo in zgodovino severnoameriških Indijancev, zlasti Komančev ter plemen Dakota in Lakota. Davi Stegu se je pridružil njihovemu ganljivemu obredu, ki ohranja spomin in spodbuja spravo, ter svojo izkušnjo obogatil z vpogledi v njihovo življenje in tradicije.

To nepozabno doživetje je opisano tudi v njegovem knjižnem prvencu Zakaj pa ne?, ki je izšel v samozaložbi leta 2021.

Delavnica je za člane UTŽO Trebnje brezplačna, za nečlane znaša prispevek 7,00 EUR.

Več informacij: 07 34 82 100, 07 34 82 109 ali

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: CIK Trebnje, Southeast Slovenia