Nutria events

Workshop with sommelier Delavnica s sommelierjem

gastronomy workshop

Learn how to combine wine and food.

In Vila Podvin you can learn how to handle wine during the duration of this year's Radol'ce flavours.

Between 24. October and 1. in December you will be able to every Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday at 15. uri with an expert learned about wines and added them to various dishes.

The workshop includes a tasting of 7 wine samples, lasts 2 hours, and reservations are mandatory at least 2 days before the event.

Workshop location: Vila Podvin, scrotum

Reservation and information:

Naučite se spajanja vina in hrane.

V Vili Podvin se v času trajanje letošnjih Okusov Radol'ce lahko naučite rokovanja z vinom.

Med 24. oktobrom in 1. decembrom boste lahko vsak četrtek, petek, soboto ali nedeljo ob 15. uri s strokovnjakom spoznavali vina in jih dodajali različnim jedem.

Delavnica vključuje degustacijo 7 vzorcev vina, traja 2 uri, obvezne pa so rezervacije vsaj 2 dni pred dogodkom.

Lokacija delavnice: Vila Podvin, Mošnje

Rezervacija in informacije:

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Radovljica, Radovljica