Nutria events

Workshop: collaged ZINE Delavnica: Kolažiran ZINE

children workshop

What will we meet at the workshop?

Zine is a self-published, non-commercial printed booklet that can touch on a variety of topics from music and art to politics, gender identity, humor, and personal memories. But most importantly, in order to create it, you do not need special artistic skills, but only the joy of some topic!

At the workshop, we will make our own zine using the collage technique. We will learn the folds of paper with which we get a mini booklet in an easy way. In order for the work to turn out to be some kind of narrative with a red thread, we will need an idea, which we will develop in eight frames.

Supplies: scissors, old magazines, newspapers and other stationery

‼ Registration is required to participate in the workshop. The application form is available by clicking on the following link: https://forms.single/QVx4qAjJmWd5iFNeA

See you later!

* The workshop is facilitated by the municipality of Koper, the centre of youth Koper and ZMKT.*

S čim se bomo srečali na delavnici?

Zine je samozaložniška, nekomercialno tiskana knjižica, ki se lahko dotika različnih tem od glasbe in umetnosti do politike, spolne identitete, humorja in osebnih spominov. Najpomembneje pa je, da za to, da ga ustvariš, ne potrebuješ posebnih umetniških veščin, temveč le veselje do neke teme!

Na delavnici bomo s tehniko kolaža izdelali svoj zine. Naučili se bomo prepogibov papirja, s katerimi na enostaven način dobimo mini knjižico. Da bo delo izpadlo kot neka pripoved z rdečo nitjo, bomo potrebovali idejo, ki jo bomo razvijali v osmih sličicah.

⏩ Potrebščine: škarje, stare revije, časopisi in druge tiskovine

‼️ Za udeležbo na delavnici je potrebna prijava. Prijavni obrazec je dosegljiv s klikom na sledečo povezavo:

Se vidimo!

*Delavnico omogočajo Mestna občina Koper, Center mladih Koper ter ZMKT.*

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Center mladih Koper