Nutria events

Workshop on making recycled holiday decorations DELAVNICA izdelave recikliranih prazničnih okraskov


This year, the festive december should be decorated with thoughts of nature.

Considering that we throw away huge amounts of textiles every year, we decided to preserve at least some of it and give it a new life.

You are invited to a workshop where we will make angels from textiles with which we can decorate a fir tree or give them to someone.

The workshop is intended for people over 12 years of age, younger people can participate accompanied by adults.

Applications are accepted at: to 12. in December 2024.

The workshop is free of charge and is part of the Project New Life of used things, which is funded by the municipality of Postojna as part of the Project Green-Te <url>.

Letos naj bo praznični december okrašen z mislijo na naravo.

Glede na to, da vsako leto zavržemo ogromne količine tekstila, smo se odločili, da ga bomo vsaj nekaj ohranili in mu podarili novo življenje.

Vabljeni na delavnico, kjer bomo iz tekstila izdelali angelčke s katerimi lahko okrasimo jelko ali jih komu podarimo.

Delavnica je namenjena starejšim od 12 let, mlajši lahko sodelujejo v spremstvu odraslih.

Prijave sprejemamo na: do 12. decembra 2024.

Delavnica je brezplačna in je del projekta Novo življenje odrabljenih stvari, ki ga financira Občina Postojna v sklopu projekta Green-tex.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
PROSTOR - Društvo za arhitekturo in prostor
Location: točka moči postojna, 6230 Postojna