In the workshop of making fermented vegetable milk substitutes, you will learn about the process of making various vegetable milk substitutes, such as almond milk, almond kefir, almond curd, butter with millet, spread and cream cheese from cashews. In addition, you will learn how to prepare microbial cultures for fermentation of these milk substitutes.
First, you will learn how to prepare and maintain microbial cultures that are useful for fermenting milk substitutes. You will learn about the different types of microbial cultures and how to use them to prepare different milk substitutes. Next, you will get acquainted with the process of making almond milk, which is the basis for all other milk substitutes.
Making milk follows how to prepare almond kefir or, yogurt that is rich in live probiotics and can be used as a healthy substitute for milk kefir/yogurt. In addition, you will learn how to prepare almond cottage cheese, which can be used as a substitute for regular cottage cheese.
The workshop also includes making butter with millet, which is rich in fiber, probiotics and other nutrients. In addition, you will learn how to make a cashew nut spread that is rich in protein and healthy fats.
At the end of the workshop, you will learn how to make cream cheese, which is an excellent substitute for cheese, and can also be used for making sauces. You will also learn about some tips for customizing recipes and experimenting with different ingredients and flavors to create your own unique plant-based milk substitutes.
Join and discover the healing power of fermentation!
The number of participants is limited. The workshop will be held with a minimum number of 6 applicants.
Pre-registration is required. Applications are collected until Monday, 10. 2. 2025.
The price of the workshop includes everything you need for a complete fermentation experience, from raw materials to packaging and a refreshing drink that will accompany you as you learn and create.
Login and payment:
TIC Lasko, Valvasor Square 1, 3270 Lasko
03 733 89 50, 051 305 466
Na delavnici izdelave fermentiranih rastlinskih mlečnih nadomestkov boste spoznali postopek izdelave različnih rastlinskih mlečnih nadomestkov, kot so mandljevo mleko, mandljev kefir, mandljeva skuta, maslo s prosom, namaz in kremni sirček iz indijskih oreščkov. Poleg tega se boste naučili, kako pripraviti mikrobne kulture za fermentacijo teh mlečnih nadomestkov.
Najprej se boste naučili, kako pripraviti in vzdrževati mikrobne kulture, ki so uporabne za fermentacijo mlečnih nadomestkov. Spoznali boste različne vrste mikrobnih kultur in kako jih uporabiti za pripravo različnih mlečnih nadomestkov. Nato se boste seznanili s postopkom priprave mandljevega mleka, ki je osnova za vse druge mlečne nadomestke.
Izdelavi mleka sledi, kako pripraviti mandljev kefir oz, jogurt, ki je bogat z živimi probiotiki in se lahko uporablja kot zdrav nadomestek za mlečni kefir/jogurt. Poleg tega se boste naučili, kako pripraviti mandljevo skuto, ki jo lahko uporabite kot nadomestek za običajno skuto.
Delavnica vključuje tudi izdelavo masla s prosom, ki je bogato z vlakninam, probiotiki in drugimi hranili. Poleg tega se boste naučili, kako pripraviti namaz iz indijskih oreščkov, ki je bogat z beljakovinami in zdravimi maščobami.
Na koncu delavnice boste izvedeli, kako izdelati kremni sirček, ki je odličen nadomestek siru, uporabi pa se ga lahko tudi za pripravo omak. Spoznali boste tudi nekaj nasvetov za prilagajanje receptov in eksperimentiranje z različnimi sestavinami in okusi, da ustvarite svoje edinstvene rastlinske mlečne nadomestke.
Pridružite se in odkrijte zdravilno moč fermentacije!
Število udeležencev je omejeno. Delavnica bo izvedena ob minimalnem številu 6 prijavljenih.
Obvezne so predhodne prijave. Prijave se zbirajo do ponedeljka, 10. 2. 2025.
V ceno delavnice je vključeno prav vse, kar potrebujete za popolno fermentacijsko izkušnjo, od surovin do embalaže ter osvežilnega napitka, ki vas bo spremljal med učenjem in ustvarjanjem.
Prijava in plačilo:
TIC Laško, Valvasorjev trg 1, 3270 Laško
03 733 89 50, 051 305 466