You are kindly invited to the creative workshop of erotic illustration as part of The Velvet 5: pleasure – dreamscape festival on Saturday, 11. January, at 15. watch the Duck Gallery. The workshop will be led by illustrator Nea Likar. It is suitable for 18 + participants, send applications to the address
At 18. uri are invited to a free public guided tour of The Velvet 5: pleasure – dreamscape exhibition. She will lead Nea Likar, accompanied by some of the authors who present themselves at this year's exhibition and the author of the text on the occasion of the exhibition Sara Nusa Golob Grabner.
Lepo vabljeni na ustvarjalno delavnico erotične ilustracije v okviru festivala Velvet 5: Užitek – sanjska pokrajina v soboto, 11. januarja, ob 15. uri v Galerijo Račka. Delavnico bo vodila ilustratorka Nea Likar. Primerna je za udeleženke in udeležence 18+, prijave pošljite na naslov
Ob 18. uri vabljeni na brezplačno javno vodstvo po razstavi Velvet 5: Užitek – sanjska pokrajina. Vodila bo Nea Likar v spremstvu nekaterih avtoric in avtorjev, ki se predstavljajo na letošnji razstavi in avtorice besedila ob razstavi Sare Nuše Golob Grabner.