We live in a time filled with challenges on a daily basis. For these purposes, in this creative workshop we will focus on the most important thing in your life: an organic connection with yourself. Through various exercises of relaxation, active imagination, visualization, concentration through the five senses and the use of sensory memory in practice, each participant will bring home experiences that will facilitate their professional and personal life path.
The workshop Mentor is mag. Ziga Chamernik, an actor, educator and reviewer, who worked for 20 years in the studio of the Vajevec brothers, and now in his acting studio LIM – Laboratory of acting methods, together with the participants, explores and deepens experiential dramatic play, and also introduces its elements into his daily creative work.
Participation is 35 euros.
December is the last month of the year and bombards us with countless superfluous visual and sensory stimuli. Therefore, in this chaos, we give ourselves and cherish what we (not) knowingly need most – inner peace.
Due to the limited number of places, registration is required at zigacamernik@yahoo.com
Živimo v času, ki je prepoln izzivov že na vsakdanji ravni. V te namene se bomo na tej kreativni delavnici osredotočili na najpomembnejšo stvar v vašem življenju: organsko povezavo s samim seboj. Preko različnih vaj sproščanja, aktivne imaginacije, vizualizacije, zbranosti preko petih čutil in uporabe čutnega spomina v praksi, bo vsak udeleženec nesel domov izkušnje, ki mu bodo lahko olajšale tako poklicno kot tudi osebno življenjsko pot.
Mentor delavnice je mag. Žiga Čamernik, igralec, pedagog in recenzent, ki je 20 let deloval v Studiu bratov Vajevec, sedaj pa v svojem igralskem studiu LIM – Laboratorij igralskih metod, skupaj z udeleženci raziskuje in poglablja izkustveno dramsko igro, njene elemente pa vnaša tudi v svoje vsakdanje kreativno delo.
Udeležba je 35 eur.
December je zadnji mesec v letu in nas bombardira z nešteto odvečnimi vizualnimi in čutnimi dražljaji. Zato si v tem kaosu podarimo in negujmo tisto, kar (ne)zavedno najbolj potrebujemo – notranji mir.
Zaradi omejenega števila mest so obvezne prijave na zigacamernik@yahoo.com