Nutria events

Girl with a needle Dekle z iglo


drama / Pigen med n animallen / 1h 55min / starring: Vic Carmen Sonne, Trine d Animalrholm, Besir Zeciri, Ava kno / Martin, Joachim Fjelstrup / directed by Magnus von Horn / written by line Langebek Knudsen, Magnus von Horn / Denmark, Sweden, Poland

Karoline is a young factory worker who lost her husband in the war. When he becomes involved in a relationship with a factory owner, he hopes for a more leisurely life. However, higher interests intervene in the romantic relationship. Pregnant Karoline now has to start all over again. In a state of despair, he accidentally meets Dagmar, a charismatic woman who arranges for prominent families to adopt unwanted children. Karoline starts working for her and develops a close relationship with her, but when she learns the horrific truth about the society she has fallen into, her ideals are quickly shattered.

drama / Pigen med nålen / 1h 55min / igrajo: Vic Carmen Sonne, Trine Dyrholm, Besir Zeciri, Ava Knox Martin, Joachim Fjelstrup / režija: Magnus von Horn / scenarij: Line Langebek Knudsen, Magnus von Horn / Danska, Švedska, Poljska

Karoline je mlada tovarniška delavka, ki je v vojni izgubila moža. Ko se zaplete v razmerje z lastnikom tovarne, se nadeja lagodnejšega življenja. Vendar pa v romantični odnos posežejo višji interesi. Noseča Karoline mora zdaj začeti znova. V stanju obupa po naključju sreča Dagmar, karizmatično žensko, ki uglednim družinam ureja posvojitev nezaželenih otrok. Karoline začne delati pri njej in z njo razvije tesen odnos, a ko spozna grozljivo resnico o druščini, v katero je zašla, se njeni ideali hitro porušijo.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kino Rogaška
Celjska cesta 3a, 3250 Rogaška Slatina
041 714 903
Location: Celjska cesta 3a, 3250 Rogaška Slatina