Book a date of 14. June 2024, when the Old Town of Brezice will traditionally be flooded with delicious aromas of local delicacies, accompanied by cheerful melodies.
The day of bread, wine and salami event, which last year was certified as an event of the territorial collective Brand Brezice selected, will take place in the castle courtyard of the Posavje Museum Brezice.
More information follows.
Rezervirajte si datum 14. junij 2024, ko bodo staro mestno jedro Brežic že tradicionalno preplavile okusne arome domačih dobrot, pospremljene z veselimi melodijami.
Dogodek Dan kruha, vina in salam, ki je bil lani certificiran kot dogodek teritorialne kolektivne blagovne znamke Brežice Izbrano, bo potekal na grajskem dvorišču Posavskega muzeja Brežice.
Več informacij sledi.