Nutria events

Coprnica Dragica Coprnica Dragica

theatre children

Once Upon a time, it was here ... the sea. It shrank into a river, and a city grew along the river. In the city, just like today, people thought and did wonders of interesting things. And what did the Darling do that she was called a witch?

Dragica is an excellent herbalist and healer. In nature, it collects medicinal plants and makes teas, syrups, tinctures and other medicinal preparations from them. Nettle, chamomile, dandelion, mint, lavender, sage, thyme, plantain and elderberry are among the more common. In the Middle Ages, where our idea is placed, people mainly did not understand the power of herbs and unjustly accused herbalists of witchcraft or witchcraft. Today, however, we use herbs daily for health or as a spice, without anyone accusing us of witchcraft.

Nekoč pred davnimi davnimi časi je tukaj bilo ... morje. Skrčilo se je v reko, ob reki pa je zraslo mesto. V mestu so ljudje, prav tako kot danes, mislili in počeli čuda zanimivih reči. In s čim se je ukvarjala Dragica, da je bila oklicana za coprnico?

Dragica je odlična zeliščarica in zdravilka. V naravi nabira zdravilne rastline ter iz njih pripravlja čaje, sirupe, tinkture in druge zdravilne pripravke. Kopriva, kamilica, regrat, meta, sivka, žajbelj, materina dušica, trpotec in bezeg so med bolj pogostimi. V srednjem veku, kamor se umešča naša predstava, ljudje v glavnem niso razumeli moči zelišč in so zeliščarice krivično obtožili čarovništva oziroma coprništva. Danes pa zelišča dnevno uporabljamo za zdravje ali kot začimbo, ne da bi nam kdo očital čarovništvo.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Lutkovno gledališče Maribor
Vojašniški trg 2 A, Maribor, Slovenija
02 22 81 979
Location: Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor