Nutria events

Time for joy Čas za veselje


Aksle wants to disappear. He intends to leave his home, his lover, the city in which he grew up, his parents and his sister. He packed his things, got into the car and drove off, then stopped at the side of the road. He cannot leave without saying goodbye to his mother and sister, who at this moment are sitting on a bench by the river next to the cemetery. Before he finds them, a crowd of people line up at the bench: a neighbor, his pregnant ex-wife, a grieving widow, and others. Their fates are revealed in their relationships with their fellow human beings.

Aksle si želi izginiti. Zapustiti namerava dom, ljubimca, mesto, v katerem je odraščal, starše in sestro. Spakiral je stvari, se usedel v avto in odpeljal, nato pa se je ustavil ob robu ceste. Ne more oditi, ne da bi se poslovil od mame in sestre, ki v tem trenutku sedita na klopi ob reki poleg pokopališča. Preden ju najde, se ob klopi zvrsti množica oseb: sosed, njegova noseča nekdanja žena, žalujoča vdova in drugi. Njihove usode se razkrivajo v odnosih s soljudmi.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
MGL Mestno gledališče ljubljansko
Čopova 14, 1000 Ljubljana
01/ 4258 222
Location: Mala scena MGL, Ljubljana