Nutria events

Carlo Colombo, MILI MUOI musical performance-my parents ' exodus Carlo Colombo, glasbena predstava MILI MUOI- Eksodus mojih staršev

music theatre

- Tuesday, 4. February 2025, at 19: 00

Gravisi Palace, headquarters of the community of Italians, 10 Liberation Front Street, Koper

- Wednesday, 5. February 2025, at 12: 45

Replica for students of Gian Rinaldo Carli Gymnasium from Koper

-v torek, 4. februarja 2025, ob 19.00 uri

Palača Gravisi, sedež Skupnosti Italijanov, ulica Osvobodilne fronte 10, Koper

-v sredo, 5. februarja 2025, ob 12.45 uri

Replika za dijake Gimnazije Gian Rinaldo Carli iz Kopra

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kulturno in športno društvo Skupnost Italijanov Santorio Santorio Koper/Associazione culturale e sportiva Comunità degli Italiani Santorio Santorio Capodistria
Ulica Osvobodilne fronte 10, 6000 Koper – Capodistria
+386 (0)5 62 79 430
Location: Koper