Nutria events



Samuel Beckett

Directed By: Yasha Jamnik

By Samuel Beckett

Translation: France Jamnik

Director, set designer and costume designer: Yasha Jamnik

Assistant to set and costume design (study): Rina Grosselj

Premiere: 10. May 2023, St. James stage.

The prelims last 1 hour and 45 minutes and have no breaks.

Recognition for the male role, Ziga Medveshek (Pozzo), Linhart regional meeting, Medvode, 6. June 2024

Recognition for the male role, lottery ticket Kermavner (Vladimir), Linhart regional meeting, Medvode, 6. June 2024

Special award from the jury, Marko Skok (luck photo), 36. Chufar days, Jesenice, 21. november 2023

Award for best director, Yasha Jamnik, 18. International Festival of amateur theaters Laktashi 2023, Laktashi, BiH, 25. June 2023

Award for acting creation, Ziga Medveshek (Pozzo), 18. International Festival of amateur theaters Laktashi 2023, Laktashi, BiH, 25. June 2023


Estragon: Ziga Sedmak

Vladimir: Lucky Kermavner

Pozzo: Ziga Medvesek

Luck / Marko Jump

Boy: Joze Lump

Other contributors:

Head of the show and props: Marko Skop | Whisperer: Irena Mrak Kranjc / lighting technician: Gregor t Animtrner / stage technique: Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor t Animtrner / costume making and processing: Rina Groselj and Bojan Vister | Masker: Rina Groselj | stage painting: Rina Groselj | wardrobe: Bojan Vister and Marko Skop

About the show:

One of the most important texts of European drama of the past century is certainly Samuel Beckett's waiting for Godot. With this grotesque, the playwright drew attention to the tragicomic position of human existence in a modern abandoned World. Jasa Jamnik adapted Godot after the first Slovenian translation by France Jamnik from French and the author's translation into English. In Yash's directorships, the insightful accuracy of stringing the content accents of the dramatic text, the sense of rhythm and pace of the performance and the ear for the actor remain alive, which is probably also associated with the fact that he himself often acts as an actor. He was already the artistic director of the St. Jacob's theatre, since 1989 he has also acted as a mentor for amateur theatre groups and has regularly directed successfully in all professional theatres.

For the first time on the stage.

Link to the theater sheet.

Samuel Beckett

Režija: Jaša Jamnik

Avtor: Samuel Beckett

Prevod: France Jamnik

Režiser, scenograf in kostumograf: Jaša Jamnik

Asistentka scenografije in kostumografije (študijsko): Rina Grošelj

Premiera: 10. maj 2023, Šentjakobski oder.

Predstrava traja 1 uro in 45 minut in nima odmora.

PRIZNANJE za moško vlogo, Žiga Medvešek (Pozzo), Linhartovo regijsko srečanje, Medvode, 6. junij 2024

PRIZNANJE za moško vlogo, Srečko Kermavner (Vladimir), Linhartovo regijsko srečanje, Medvode, 6. junij 2024

POSEBNO PRIZNANJE ŽIRIJE , Marko Skok (Lucky), 36. Čufarjevi dnevi, Jesenice, 21. november 2023

NAGRADA za najboljšo režijo, Jaša Jamnik , 18. mednarodni festival amaterskih gledališč Laktaši 2023, Laktaši, BiH, 25. junij 2023

NAGRADA za igralsko kreacijo, Žiga Medvešek (Pozzo) , 18. mednarodni festival amaterskih gledališč Laktaši 2023, Laktaši, BiH, 25. junij 2023


Estragon: Žiga Sedmak

Vladimir: Srečko Kermavner

Pozzo: Žiga Medvešek

Lucky: Marko Skok

Fantek: Jože Pavšič

Drugi sodelavci:

Vodja predstave in rekviziter: Marko Skok | Šepetalka: Irena Mrak Kranjc | Lučni tehnik: Gregor Törner | Scenska tehnika: Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor Törner | Izdelava in predelava kostumov: Rina Grošelj in Bojan Vister | Maskerka: Rina Grošelj | Scenska poslikava: Rina Grošelj | Garderoberja: Bojan Vister in Marko Skok

O predstavi:

Eno najpomembnejših besedil evropske dramatike preteklega stoletja je zagotovo Čakanje Godota Samuela Becketta. S to grotesko je dramatik opozoril na tragikomičen položaj človekovega obstajanja v modernem opustelem svetu. Jaša Jamnik je Godota priredil po prvem slovenskem prevodu Franceta Jamnika iz francoščine in avtorjevem prevodu v angleščino. V Jaševih režijah ostaja živa pronicljiva natančnost nizanja vsebinskih poudarkov dramskega besedila, občutek za ritem in tempo predstave ter posluh za igralca, kar je verjetno povezano tudi s tem, da sam pogosto nastopa kot igralec. Bil je že umetniški vodja Šentjakobskega gledališča, od leta 1989 deluje tudi kot mentor ljubiteljskih gledaliških skupin ter redno uspešno režira v vseh poklicnih gledališčih.

Prvič na Šentjakobskem odru.

Povezava do gledališkega lista.

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Šentjakobsko gledališče Ljubljana
Krekov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana
01/ 23 12 860
Mobile Phone:
031/ 225 230
Location: Škofja Loka