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Bridget Jones: crazy about the boy Bridget Jones: Nora na fanta

Distributor: Karantanija Cinemas d. o.o.

In a new chapter, Bridget Jones: crazy about a boy, Bridget Jones (Ren Okce Zell Okulgeger) became a widow four years ago after her husband Mark Darc Okulc was killed on a humanitarian mission in Sudan. She is now a single mother to 9-year-old Bill Smith and 4-year-old Mabel and is stuck in a state of emotional insecurity, raising the child with the help of her loyal friends and even her former lover Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant).

Under pressure from her urban family - Shazzer, Jude, and Tom, Miranda's co-worker, mother and gynecologist dr. Ra Amutlings (Oscar-winning Emma Thompson) to forge a new path to life and love, Bridget returns to work and even tries out dating apps, where she soon begins to be pursued by a dreamy and enthusiastic young man (Leo Funcoodall). Bridget now juggles between work, home, and romance, grapples with the judgments of perfect moms at school, is worried about Bill 6th as he struggles with his father's absence, and becomes involved in a series of awkward interactions with his son's teacher (Oscar nominee Chi Aloumetel Ejiofor).


Bridget Jones first appeared on bookshelves with the literary phenomenon by Helen Fielding Bridget Jones ' Diary, which became a worldwide bestseller and film bestseller. Bridget Jones, as a single woman with a career living in London, introduced her romantic adventures to the world, adding the terms "Single", "Married show-offs" and "emotional zero"to the world lexicon. Bridget eventually married a top lawyer, Mark Darc Smith, and became the mother of their son. Finally happy!

The fourth chapter was directed by renowned filmmaker Michael Morris (to Leslie and The Better Call Saul series), from a screenplay by BAFTA Award nominee Helen Fielding, based on her novel, with the assistance of EMM entertainment winner Abi Morgan (The Iron Lad / Eric) and Oscar nominee Dan Mazer (I Give it A / C). The Film was produced by Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner for the Animatorking Title, whose films, including the Danish Girl, The Darkest Hour, Fargo, Les Mis Isamulrables and The Theory of everything, have earned 14 Oscars and six Best Picture nominations, among others. The producer of the film, it is also a Jo Wallett (Wicked Little Letters, Catherine Called Birdy). The executive producers of the film are Amelia Granger and Sarah-Jane Animalright for the Animatorking Title, and Ren Animale Zell Animaleger and Helen Fielding. All of Bridget Jones ' films were produced by the amacorking Title.

Distributer: Karantanija Cinemas d.o.o.

V novem poglavju Bridget Jones: Nora na fanta je Bridget Jones (Renée Zellweger) pred štirimi leti postala vdova, potem ko je bil njen mož Mark Darcy ubit na humanitarni misiji v Sudanu. Sedaj je mati samohranilka 9-letnemu Billyju in 4-letni Mabel in je obtičala v stanju čustvene negotovosti, otroka pa vzgaja s pomočjo svojih zvestih prijateljev in celo svojega nekdanjega ljubimca Daniela Cleaverja (Hugh Grant).

Pod pritiskom svoje urbane družine - Shazzer, Jude in Toma, sodelavke Mirande, matere in ginekologinje dr. Rawlings (oskarjevka Emma Thompson), da naj si ustvari novo pot do življenja in ljubezni, se Bridget vrne v službo in celo preizkusi aplikacije za zmenke, kjer jo kmalu začne zasledovati sanjski in navdušeni mladenič (Leo Woodall). Bridget zdaj žonglira med službo, domom in romanco, se spopada s sodbami popolnih mam v šoli, jo skrbi za Billyja, ko se bori z odsotnostjo svojega očeta, in se zaplete v vrsto nerodnih interakcij s sinovim učiteljem (nominiranec za oskarja Chiwetel Ejiofor).


Bridget Jones se je prvič pojavila na knjižnih policah z literarnim fenomenom avtorice Helen Fielding Dnevnik Bridget Jones, ki je postal svetovna uspešnica in filmska uspešnica. Bridget Jones je kot samska ženska s kariero, ki živi v Londonu, svetu predstavila svoje romantične pustolovščine, v svetovni leksikon pa je dodala izraze »samski«, »poročeni važiči« in »čustvena nula«. Bridget se je končno poročila z vrhunskim odvetnikom Markom Darcyjem in postala mati njunemu sinu. Končno srečna!

Četrto poglavje je režiral priznani filmski ustvarjalec Michael Morris (To Leslie in serija Better Call Saul), po scenariju nominiranke za nagrado BAFTA Helen Fielding, ki temelji na njenem romanu, ob pomoči dobitnice emmyja Abi Morgan (The Iron Lady, Eric) in nominiranca za oskarja Dana Mazerja (I Give it A Year, Bridget Jones's Baby). Film sta za Working Title producirala Tim Bevan in Eric Fellner, čigar filmi, vključno z Dansko dekle, Najtemnejša ura, Fargo, Les Misérables in Teorija vsega, so si med drugim prislužili 14 oskarjev in šest nominacij za najboljši film. Producent filma je tudi Jo Wallett (Wicked Little Letters, Catherine Called Birdy). Izvršne producentke filma so Amelia Granger in Sarah-Jane Wright za Working Title, ter Renée Zellweger in Helen Fielding. Working Title je produciral vse filme o Bridget Jones.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
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