Nutria events

Free guided tours at the cultural festival Brezplačna vodstva ob kulturnem prazniku

culture lecture exhibition, +386 (0)1 787 78 63.

On Tuesday, 3. in December, on the occasion of the holiday of culture, we kindly invite you to free guided tours to our museum.

You can join them in four terms, namely at 10., 12., 14. and 16. uri. In the company of an experienced guide, you will see the permanent museum exhibitions and part of the Stichna monastery. Each tour lasts 1.5 h.

No announcement required. The choir is in the museum reception.

Welcome to our company!, +386 (0)1 787 78 63.

V torek, 3. decembra vas ob prazniku kulture prijazno vabimo na brezplačne vodene oglede v naš muzej.

Pridružite se jim lahko v štirih terminih, in sicer ob 10., 12., 14. in 16. uri. V družbi izkušenega vodiča si boste ogledali stalne muzejske razstave in del samostana Stična. Vsak ogled traja 1.5h.

Najava ni potrebna. Zbor je v muzejski recepciji.

Vabljeni v našo družbo!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem, Stična 17, 1295 Ivančna Gorica