Nutria events


music sport workshop

Discover the magic of Argentine Tango in Celje!

Dear dance lovers and sympathizers of Argentine Tango …

The Tango hug Celje Association cordially invites you to a free Argentine Tango workshop, where you will learn about the first steps of this magical dance.

When? On Sunday, 23. March 2025

Where? Gymnasium Celje Center (dance classroom

Duration: 18.30-20.00, with practice until 20.30

The workshop is also suitable for complete beginners – invite friends and discover together how wonderful it is to create a connection in a tango embrace.

We will be there for you Uros and Larisa to take you into the world of passion, rhythm and elegance.

Mandatory pre-registration:

As a couple-it's best together with someone who also wants new challenges.

Solo dancers-if you sign up alone, we will be able to invite you when we create a dance pair.

Sign up at:


SMS: 070 718 640

When registering, please provide the name and surname of your dance partner and the e-mail address of both.

We have a maximum of 12 pairs.

We can't wait! What about you?

Join us and discover why tango is not just a dance, but a way to connect and express yourself.

Let the dance floor become yours!

Odkrijte magijo argentinskega tanga v Celju!

Dragi ljubitelji plesa in simpatizerji argentinskega tanga …

Društvo Tango Objem Celje vas prisrčno vabi na BREZPLAČNO delavnico argentinskega tanga, kjer boste spoznali prve korake tega čarobnega plesa.

Kdaj? V nedeljo, 23. marca 2025

Kje? Gimnazija Celje Center (plesna učilnica)

Trajanje: 18.30 – 20.00, s praktiko do 20.30

Delavnica je primerna tudi za popolne začetnike – povabite prijatelje in skupaj odkrijte, kako čudovito je ustvarjati povezavo v tango objemu.

Za vas bova tam Uroš in Larisa, da vas popeljeva v svet strasti, ritma in elegance.

Obvezne predhodne prijave:

V paru – najbolje je skupaj z nekom, ki si prav tako želi novih izzivov.

Solo plesalke/plesalci – če se prijavite sami, vas bomo lahko povabili, ko ustvarimo plesni par.

Prijavite se na:


SMS: 070 718 640

Ob prijavi prosiva navedite ime in priimek vašega plesnega partnerja/partnerke in elektronski naslov obeh.

Sprejmemo maksimalno 12 parov.

Mi že komaj čakamo! Kaj pa vi?

Pridružite se nam in odkrijte, zakaj tango ni le ples, temveč način povezovanja in izražanja.

Naj plesni parket postane vaš!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.