An interview is a coffee that the host makes when the guests have been visiting for some time. It reflects confidentiality, relaxation and connection. It takes us to a moment of relaxed chat. This is exactly what book chats are like. The coffee you serve me, you will read a collection of short stories, croatia, the Ružice Popović, Ćaća & mother, and shall join with us.
Razgovoruša je kava, ki jo gostitelj skuha takrat, ko so gostje že nekaj časa na obisku. Odraža zaupnost, sproščenost in povezanost. Popelje nas v trenutek sproščenega klepeta. Prav taki so klepeti o knjigah. Kavo vam postrežemo mi, vi pa preberite zbirko kratkih zgodb hrvaške avtorice Ružice Popović, Ćaća & mater in se nam pridružite.