The Program allows the development and preservation of mental abilities with the help of calculating the abacus and solving mental tasks. Activities involving math, language, and memory challenges stimulate cognitive functions such as attention, speed of thought, and memory. It is aimed at maintaining mental vitality and improving the quality of life. Suitable for ages 60+.
The Program promotes the development and preservation of mental abilities by using the abacus to calculate and solve mental tasks. Activities involving math, language, and memory challenges strengthen cognitive functions such as attention, speed of thought, and memory. It is aimed at maintaining mental vitality and improving the quality of life. It is suitable for people aged 60 years and over.
Application: .
Program spodbuja razvoj in ohranjanje mentalnih sposobnosti z uporabo abakusa za računanje in reševanjem miselnih nalog. Aktivnosti, ki vključujejo matematične, jezikovne in spominske izzive, krepijo kognitivne funkcije, kot so pozornost, hitrost mišljenja in spomin. Namenjen je ohranjanju mentalne vitalnosti ter izboljšanju kakovosti življenja. Primeren je za osebe, stare 60 let in več.
Prijava: .