Nutria events

Christmas socks, festive event and Bazaar Božična nogavička, praznična prireditev in bazar

entertainment children market

Children, students and employees of Primary School and kindergarten Lovrenc are invited on Tuesday, 10. December, at 17. hours to the Multi-Purpose Sports Hall for the Christmas and New Year event and the bazaar .

Otroci, učenci in zaposleni v Osnovni šoli in vrtcu Lovrenc vabijo v torek, 10. decembra, ob 17. uri v večnamensko športno dvorano na božično-novoletno prireditev in bazar .

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Osnovna šola Lovrenc na Pohorju
Location: Šolska ulica 6, 2344 Lovrenc na Pohorju