Nutria events

Santa's factory in Lendava Božičkova tovarna v Lendavi


In the charity campaign organized by Terme Lendava together with the municipality of Lendava and the Red Cross Lendava, you can brighten up the holidays for socially disadvantaged families from Lendava.

Do you have a toy at home that is in good condition but you don't need it? Or maybe some item or dress that would still come in handy for someone? Foods with a longer shelf life are also welcome , which may find themselves right on the festive table at Christmas dinner.

Everyone who would like to participate in the charity campaign is invited to submit the desired items, clothes, groceries at the hotel reception Thermal Resort Lendava by Monday, 16. in December 2024.

Local companies, institutes, associations , which are an important part of the local community, are also warmly invited to participate. Among all those who will register with the form at the time of handing over the products, two people will be drawn at the end of the action, who will receive tickets with their family for a family swim at the Thermal Resort Lendava swimming pool and for a family lunch at the A'la carte restaurant Taverna.

Packing of gifts will take place at Thermal Resort Lendava on Tuesday, 17.12. and Wednesday, 18.12.2024 med 11. and 14. an hour. We also invite volunteers to pack, who would like to help the products arrive on time to families.

Let's be charitable and give a magical Christmas to families in need!

V dobrodelni akciji, ki jo organizirajo Terme Lendava skupaj z Občino Lendava in Rdečim križem Lendava, lahko polepšate praznike socialno ogroženim družinam iz Lendave.

Imate doma igračo , ki je v dobrem stanju, a je ne potrebujete? Ali pa morda kakšen predmet ali obleko , ki bi še nekomu prišla prav? Dobrodošla so tudi živila z daljšim rokom trajanja , ki se bodo morda znašla kar na praznični mizi ob božični večerji.

Vsi, ki bi želeli sodelovati v dobrodelni akciji, ste vabljeni, da želene predmete, obleke, živila oddate na hotelski recepciji Thermal Resort Lendava do ponedeljka, 16. decembra 2024.

Toplo vabljena k sodelovanju tudi lokalna podjetja, zavodi, društva , ki so pomemben člen lokalne skupnosti. Med vsemi, ki se boste ob predaji izdelkov registrirali z obrazcem, bosta ob koncu akcije izžrebani dve osebi, ki bosta s svojo družino prejeli karte za družinsko kopanje na kopališču Thermal Resort Lendava in za družinsko kosilo v a’la carte restavraciji Taverna.

Pakiranje daril bo potekalo v Thermal Resort Lendava v torek, 17.12. in sredo, 18.12.2024 med 11. in 14. uro. Tudi k pakiranju vabimo prostovoljce, ki bi želeli pomagati, da izdelki prispejo pravočasno do družin.

Bodimo dobrodelni in podarimo čaroben Božič družinam v stiski!

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Terme Lendava
Location: Thermal Resort Lendava, 9220 Lendava/Lendva