Nutria events

Santa's mailbox-opening event Božičkov nabiralnik - otvoritveni dogodek

entertainment children

You are invited to the opening event of Santa's mailbox, which will arrive in Shostanj from the North Pole. Children of all ages can throw letters to Santa Claus in this mailbox, which will be 1. installed in December on the main square, 10. in December, the market. In the meantime-up to 17. in December, the mailbox will be placed in the municipal lobby.

All letters will be delivered by Santa's assistants to Santa Claus at the North Pole, from where every child receives a certificate that Santa has received the letter ...

We are preparing workshops, a sweet corner and, of course, writing letters.

You are invited.

Vabljeni na otvoritveni dogodek Božičkovega nabiralnika, ki bo v Šoštanj prispel s severnega pola. Otroci vseh starosti lahko pisma Božičku odvržete v ta nabiralnik, ki bo 1. decembra postavljen na Glavnem trgu, 10. decembra pa v Tržnici Šoštanj. V vmesnem času - do 17. decembra bo nabiralnik postavljen v občinski avli.

Vsa pisma bodo Božičkovi pomočniki dostavili Božičku na severni pol, od koder prav vsak otrok dobi potrdilo, da je Božiek pismo prejel ...

Pripravljamo delavnice, sladek kotiček in seveda pisanje pisem.


Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Glavni trg, 3325 Šoštanj