The Youth Center,, +386 (0)3 710 22 30.
Workshop of Group percussion playing, study of rhythm, contemplation while playing. Shamanic drums, African drums, rattles, percussion, voices and second and third.
We feel the rhythm, we perceive how we can be beautifully supported, seen, heard.
Well invited!
The workshop is free and can be photographed.
Mladinski center Žalec,, +386 (0)3 710 22 30.
Delavnica skupinskega igranja tolkal, študij ritma, kontemplacija ob igranju. Šamanski bobni, afriški bobni, ropotulje, tolkala, glasovi in drugo in tretje.
Začutimo ritem, dojemimo kako smo lahko lepo podprti, videni, slišani.
Lepo vabljeni!
Delavnica je brezplačna in se lahko fotografira.